Ontopic Flight 370

That just seems like an odd play for Iranian terrorists. What beef do they have with either the malaysians or the vietnamese?
That just seems like an odd play for Iranian terrorists. What beef do they have with either the malaysians or the vietnamese?

re: the 'illegals,' I'm more inclined to believe this (at least for now) this was in the article I linked to:

A European diplomat in Kuala Lumpur cautioned that the Malaysian capital was an Asian hub for illegal migrants, many of whom used false documents and complex routes including via Beijing or West Africa to reach a final destination in Europe.

"You shouldn't automatically think that the fact there were two people on the plane with false passports had anything to do with the disappearance of the plane," the diplomat said.

"The more you know about the role of Kuala Lumpur in this chain, the more doubtful you are of the chances of a linkage."

To me, if it was a terrorist group, someone would be claiming it and grandstanding.
re: the 'illegals,' I'm more inclined to believe this (at least for now) this was in the article I linked to:

A European diplomat in Kuala Lumpur cautioned that the Malaysian capital was an Asian hub for illegal migrants, many of whom used false documents and complex routes including via Beijing or West Africa to reach a final destination in Europe.

"You shouldn't automatically think that the fact there were two people on the plane with false passports had anything to do with the disappearance of the plane," the diplomat said.

"The more you know about the role of Kuala Lumpur in this chain, the more doubtful you are of the chances of a linkage."

To me, if it was a terrorist group, someone would be claiming it and grandstanding.

I would tend to lean this way as well
I guess all of the photo's etc of the guys using the stolen passports have been turned over to our Intel agencies. We'll know shortly if they are actually just guys or part of a group.
To a point we were discussing earlier about GPS and tracking etc. They are saying that only 60% of the passenger planes even have ADS-B transponder (black box) let alone have it on.
To a point we were discussing earlier about GPS and tracking etc. They are saying that only 60% of the passenger planes even have ADS-B transponder (black box) let alone have it on.

Big commercial planes from the major airports around the world or all passenger planes like puddle jumpers too that fly in and out of your neighborhood airstrip?
Big commercial planes from the major airports around the world or all passenger planes like puddle jumpers too that fly in and out of your neighborhood airstrip?

Doesn't say. I did find this.

The United States will require the majority of aircraft operating within its airspace to be equipped with some form of ADS-B Out by January 1, 2020.[3] In the EU airspace planes with a weight above 5,700 kilograms (12,600 lb) or a max cruise of over 250 knots will be required to carry ADS-B from 2017.
it boggles my mind with 9/11 happening that there isn't redundant global surveillance on locator beacons running 24/7 on all planes. So much so that 'oh, we didn't have the plane listed on any flight plan so we sent up a fighter jet escort, and when we didn't get the responses from you that were needed, we eliminated the risk.' would be acceptable.