FYI Ever taken a black out day?

It would be hard for me because I need constant contact with the kidlets. Esp my daughter who calls at random times because she saw a chain post that said if you don't pass this on to 20 people, your mom will die. Or some ghost will haunt her forever, or if the lights flicker, that means the ghost is there, etc..
Where was I going with this?
I'm confused 98% of the time lately.

I'm hungry
  • Gravy
Reactions: Peppers and fly
So just for fun, get things done, and just see if we could do it, @APRIL and I took an entire day offline yesterday. No internet. It was weird and interesting. I missed not being able to look things up that I didn't know. And I wondered if this place was running okay.

We took a 2 hour run, watched OTA TV, and she played some cards along with a ton of outdoors stuff. Other than being sick yesterday and therefore puking five times during the run, it was a ton of fun.

Ever intentionally done this recently?

Ok so no intarwabz and no sexo ??

Wtf is wrong with you people!!!

Anyhoo yes, I have taken days off the webs before.
Sometimes against my will when I'm travelling or camping or in the mountains etc

It feels fucking good
  • Gravy
Reactions: Peppers
I'm hoping when I do NC next weekend, I can stay offline as much as possible, but more than likely I'll need to be in a conference call or two...

I'm hoping Brandi and Elizabeth can find things to keep me occupied otherwise ;)
UF Camping trip?

would do. Also, if within 500 miles, Equine will be in tow.

I'm gonna do this next week for 3 days while we are in California. Have to get all schooling done by Wednesday and anything that doesn't happen after that, oh well, guess I might lose a few points. Stupid classes not giving less work next week due to the holiday. :mad:
My work is all online so rarely would I ever want to do that. Clients aren't happy if you don't respond to e-mails ;)