
In the 50s, you would have stood fast and said that smoking was good for you. You would have been wrong then and you certainly could be now.

really? large amount of doctors said smoking was good for you? or was it just tobacco companies that said it while doctors need more time to find out? Doctors seem to have had enough time now to see the effect of HFCS.
really? large amount of doctors said smoking was good for you? or was it just tobacco companies that said it while doctors need more time to find out? Doctors seem to have had enough time now to see the effect of HFCS.

popular opinion said smoking was good, just like it says HFCS is bad. Just like cell phone radiation was bad. And global warming was bad. Turns out there was no data to back any of that shit up. It's certainly possible that its true for HFCS as well...
I say God exists. I'm religious. Does that mean it's true? Or do I have to prove it?

Why do you accept her title as proof enough without any backing up of information?

Pre-marital sex is illegal in most states. Does that make it bad?

lol your comparison are getting worse...

Science is behind medicine. Which is what her opinion is based on. Your is based on speculation.

Plus I don't think a large amount of countries would ban something with out seeking reason from professionals.
popular opinion said smoking was good, just like it says HFCS is bad. Just like cell phone radiation was bad. And global warming was bad. Turns out there was no data to back any of that shit up. It's certainly possible that its true for HFCS as well...

I'm not subscribing to popular belief. I'm subscribing to a medical professional's belief.
Well, so called "professionals" are incorrect about many things that people in government wish to ban or regulate.

Not that I disagree that HFCS is probably terrible for you, I just don't trust people in those positions :fly:

I agree when it comes to the American government. But here you have multiple governments. Chances are, they got this one right.
The motive behind their use of doctors as opposed to electricians or truck drivers as the test group is just incredible.