GAY Combo Breaker Spam Thread

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I’m not anti gun but a background check and a waiting period of like 48 hours would be nice. Especially for someone who isn’t even a frickin resident.

Is that asking too much? Am I an anti-gun nut now? I suppose it does since in this current climate, even suggesting common sense stuff is considered fringe.
They officially cancelled schools for the whole Denver metro area today over this. Unheard of.

Then it’s either a case of a credible threat or a severe overreaction. It doesn’t matter which.

Thank the gods she’s able to but a gun so easily!
Holy shit. This is a crazy story.

I can hear the anti-gun nuts already.
Well there’s something for the anti-gun people to fight on this one. You have a girl who was turned into the FBI in Miami due to concern over threats and what she was saying. She gets on a plane to another State where those threats and fascinations are focused. She then immediately buys a gun no issue and causes all of this. If it wasn’t for her getting the gun everything wouldn’t be shutdown. It would then just be some menta lady on the loose.
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Maybe she’ll kill a few kids then we can all shrug and say we did what we could.
The thing locally it's causing is we just had a Red Flag bill passed last week that is cause half the State to lose their mind. Bascially the new law is if you think someone is a danger to themselves or someone else you can report it. The Police will get involved and if they fell it's credible you have a hearing with a Judge. That person can plead their case. If the Judge thinks it's a legit threat the Police will seize their firearms and flag them so they cannot purchase more. It's for like a few weeks then another hearing happens. The bill was introduced by my Sheriff who lost a deputy and have multiple shot by a crazy ass man who kept making threats to them but they legally couldn't do anything. And this guy was a huge gun nut and basically set up an ambush at his house. So he champions this bill. Then you get a bunch of the Sheriffs from other counties saying they will not enforce the new law and the GOV will have to throw them in jail.
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Then you get a bunch of the Sheriffs from other counties saying they will not enforce the new law and the GOV will have to throw them in jail.

This is the scariest part IMO. That’s been happening more with every new law passed, mostly gun “control” type laws.

Sheriffs are elected, but they also swear to uphold the LAW. When they don’t, it’s a violation like any other employee refusing to do what they are hired to do but with penalties that are more serious.

The NRA used to be a club, now it’s a PAC, and they don’t care how divisive they have to be to stay relevant. It’s caused nuts, nuttiness, and anti-gun “madness”.
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