GAY Combo Breaker Spam Thread

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Sure, a fellow human helping out a fellow human.

But if it was a dude you asked and he told you he didn't need help, most guys would leave it at that.
I'll hold the door open for anyone.

However going beyond that, I would t offer help to someone unless they seem like they could be injured, injur others, break something, etc. If someone wants my help outside of those things, they can quit expecting it and ask for it.
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Earlier today I'm at Home Depot. I needed to pick up some softener salt. They come in 40lb bags. I got ten. I pay for them, but don't load them onto my trolley thingie until I'm by the exit since they are all stacked up on pallets. I declined the cashier's offer to get someone to load them up, and assist me to me car.

So I'm at my car, and I've got maybe one or two bags in the trunk already. When this middle aged dude is walking through the parking lot, sees me, and offers to help me. I keep loading, but I look over to him and say 'no thank you. I'm good :)'

Now he's walking toward me, then starts to grab a bag. 'But you're a women! It's okay, go sit in your car. I've got it. '


Meanwhile I'm sightly wigged out, and offended. But I'm also thinking 'Am I going to make this sketchy situation worse by insisting that he stop?'

So I say 'well, no. How about we load the car together?' As I continue to grab bags to put in my car.

And he's all 'ohhhh not lazy, huh? I like that. Are you married?

( :eek: :eek: :eek:)

'Uh...yes. I am, actually'

'That's one lucky man, I tell you'

( :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:)

So we finish. I thank him and he offers to take the trolley thingie back to the cart loading station.

As he walks away he's still saying 'blessed! That's one blessed man!'

Weird, but just gotta take that as a compliment and let it go. He didn't grab you or keep coming on once you said you were married or anything.

Still should have left you alone after you said no twice though

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I'd offer to help any stranger who's gotta load 400 pounds of salt into their car, because that's shitty work.

Though the conversation would be like "that looks shitty, want a hand with that?", not whatever creepy old man bullshit happened there. And when they say "no thanks", I'd say "ok, have a good day" and walk away... thinking to myself I'm glad they said no, because that's shitty work.
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