Thread By the by, I only seem to be eating gentleman sausage today

'by the by' now is it? i've also saw you say 'could care less' in the past.

what is it with these americanisms?
No one in America has ever said "by the by". Ever. That's way too British for us. Also, I used to not mind bananas until I worked with a guy who had Crohn's disease. He used to eat bananas every single day for lunch, and would put them in the microwave first to heat them up. I don't know why. Regardless, the smell of hot bananas will apparently soak into the drywall, and you will smell it forever. Especially in your nightmares.
I have a friend with the same allergy.

Oh how I laugh everytime I put banana into his food.
Yeah, latex allergies aren't imaginary no matter what you think.
If you think someone can work in a hospital for 3+years or so and not know about latex allergies you're the one who is semi-delusional smartass.
What part of delusional didn't you understand miss there is no such thing as allergies?