Thread By the by, I only seem to be eating gentleman sausage today

Did I ever mention I came 2nd in the British powerlifting championships when I was 20? I had to lift in the weight class above my usual as I was 2oz yes 2oz overweight when weigh-in finished. I was 4 pounds over when it started but couldn't quite get down enough. With the extra 2oz loss I'd have won by a mile. C'est la vie.
You're confusing chicken lying on the ground unable to hoist his drunken bulk upright with low earth orbit. They're not strictly speaking the same thing.
Powerlifting comprises squat, bench press and deadlift, all performed with an Olympic bar which is straight.

Yeah I figured you guys are thinking of the formal type.

We used to also call simply lifting as much weight as you can for exactly 3 reps, powerlifting.
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As much as I would love to have a bulked up lifters body, my shoulders say 'Not going to happen'.

I can make my right one pop at will.
Yeah I figured you guess are thinking of the formal type.

We used to also call simply lifting as much weight as you can for exactly 3 reps, powerlifting.

Ah, yeah power lifting are olympic lifts. We just call what you're talking about heavy lifting. Although if you're going to do that, you still don't need an EZ bar. Doing barbell rows will give you bigger arms than an EZ bar ever will.
Ah, yeah power lifting are olympic lifts. We just call what you're talking about heavy lifting. Although if you're going to do that, you still don't need an EZ bar. Doing barbell rows will give you bigger arms than an EZ bar ever will.

Olympic lifting is a different thing altogether. It comprises 2 lifts, the snatch and clean and jerk.
Another way would be to look at the amount of lines needed to draw it. A circle would be an infitesmial number of straight lines needed to form the shape of a circle. Thus the fewer amount of straight lines drawn, the more opposite the shape would be to a circle. A triangle has fewer lines needed than a square. Now if you're going to argue that a circle is one sinous line even though I mentioned straight, how could a dodecagon be more similiar when it has more lines than a square?
A circle or sphere is an infinite number of points equidistant from one point.You are describing an apeirogon which is a polygon (in this case regular) with an infinite number of sides. Remember how a point has neither width nor breadth nor length. A true circle circumscribed around an apeirogon will still bound a greater space, of course the difference is so small it doesn't really matter but eh.

I only said square as an example of how I too can pick out random shapes. Better suggestion would be just about anything in a hyperbolic plane given that it has constant negative curvature.