Birth Control Methods

Ugh, I hate this topic, cause I'm also in the same boat. The hormone pills and I don't get along, but I want no more children. I've also considered an IUD, but haven't settled on anything yet.
i dont have sex so im not on anything.
i was never on anything for the 10 yrs we where together.
i had a couple of miscarriages and 1 live birth.
if and when i decide to knock boots again in the future, i want to use a condom.
Birth control has always been an issue for me. The pill makes me insane and more headachy. I hate that I can't benefit from the good skin part of that. Ah well, wouldn't matter right now anyway. Condoms are just plain evil imo. When Dan and I used birth control we used spermicidal gel. It's about 95% effective when used correctly and that was enough for us. The only complaint most people have with the stuff is that it is messy, but sex is messy anyway. There's a ton of different kinds and methods of application. Admittedly the pill or any of the hormonal options are the easiest, but we've worked with what we had.

My sister has Mirena. She loves it. After the first couple months she didn't have to check it all the time anymore. She's never had a problem with placement. She had some cramping/bleeding issues for a few months, but all that has gone away. I think it is a scary option but not a bad one to try. I think they only give it to women who have had children for a reason though. There are risks.

I think I'm just gonna have Dan get snipped when we are done with this whole pregnancy thing. Never again.

Ahhh, yes: there's nothing like a cocktail umbrella scale grappling hook wedged up your uterus to give you the confidence required to have unprotected sex. Women truly are liberated.
Ya, there are more horror stories online than women praising the sucker. :omy: I am trying to get away from the strong hormones in pills because my body does not seem to be responding well to them anymore.

I dunno... it's totally weird to have to touch the cervix constantly--what a pain in the ass. Fly thinks the IUD's are all right (probably for the cervix touching reason), so I suggested to him to try out a IUD in his peehole.


:lol: You kept walking off-- you deserved the torture!

Nothing wrong with that. I can give him some tips if he needs.

Also, what about a snip snip for fly? Tre raves about his. He can't shut up about it?