BIG controversy over Obama's speech to kids

And people think Obama's an idiot. I'm not saying what they're doing to Obama right now is justified, but they're doing it. Just like they'd do if it was McCain.

Compare those who think Obama is an idiot with those who think McCain is an idiot, and I'm positive you will come up with two extremely different types of people.
it's all over the news here and I would assume everywhere else.

would they be like this if it had been say, JFK?


JFK would have delivered a much different message then BO will. A JFK or Lincoln, BO will never be.

"In short, to increase demand and lift the economy, the Federal Government's most useful role is not to rush into a program of excessive increases in public expenditures, but to expand the incentives and opportunities for private expenditures."

"... next year's tax bill should reduce personal as well as corporate income taxes, for those in the lower brackets, who are certain to spend their additional take-home pay, and for those in the middle and upper brackets, who can thereby be encouraged to undertake additional efforts and enabled to invest more capital."

"Our true choice is not between tax reduction, on the one hand, and the avoidance of large Federal deficits on the other. It is increasingly clear that no matter what party is in power ... an economy hampered by restrictive tax rates will never produce enough revenues to balance our budget just as it will never produce enough jobs or enough profits."

"... it is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now."

"The purpose of cutting taxes now is not to incur a budget deficit, but to achieve the more prosperous, expanding economy which can bring a budget surplus."

"I repeat: our practical choice is not between a tax-cut deficit and a budgetary surplus. It is between two kinds of deficits: a chronic deficit of inertia, as the unwanted result of inadequate revenues and a restricted economy; or a temporary deficit of transition, resulting from a tax cut designed to boost the economy, increase tax revenues, and achieve ... a budget surplus. The first type of deficit is a sign of waste and weakness; the second reflects an investment in the future."

"This Nation can afford to reduce taxes, we can afford a temporary deficit, but we cannot afford to do nothing. For on the strength of our free economy rests the hope of all free nations. We shall not fail that hope, for free men and free nations must prosper and they must prevail."

John F. Kennedy
Address to the Economic Club of New York
Delivered 14 December 1962

pay attention to the last 3 min. of this video

Dems of that era, are NOT what sits in DC now. You'll never hear speeches like that from any Dem in power today.

This is what we get now.

:rolleyes: Ya, go to fucking Cuba-bitch. I'm sure they will take good care of you.

Hey BO, take a lesson from someone that warned against the likes of you and would oppose your czars, tax cheats and open Marxists that you now employ with no authority from the voting public.

Oh, and I still wish you were on BB ;)
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hahaha.. thanks.

I wouldn't put BO in JFK's category.. guess the point is just that .. hell, I don't know. PRESIDENTS should be allowed to talk to students. IMO

I didn't drink the BO kool aid. but the fact that there is even an argument strikes me as strange. he's. the. president.
hahaha.. thanks.

I wouldn't put BO in JFK's category.. guess the point is just that .. hell, I don't know. PRESIDENTS should be allowed to talk to students. IMO

I didn't drink the BO kool aid. but the fact that there is even an argument strikes me as strange. he's. the. president.

I do to, but I want the option to disagree and be sure the teachers aren't pushing something besides an encouraging message to love your country, work hard, obey your parents, get good grades and stay in school. I would like to know the content of what will be said to them.
so you go up to every teacher, every daycare worker and have them sign a paper to ask for permission to speak to every kid?

To be responsible you should know what these people may say to your kids. It's not a permission issue, it's an awareness issue....don't automatically think that just because these people work/teach in these places that all share your values.
if you disagree with his points of view, do you think he should be allowed to talk to your child if you don't know the message beforehand?

um.. i think we have to trust THE PRESIDENT in situations like this.

SURELY he's not dumb enough, nor.. deluded enough, to push some political message.

this ain't farankhan (sp?) we're talkin about. it's THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, an elected official. like.. the TOP elected official.

i distrust politicians in general as mostly self serving. that being said, if he wants to speak to kids about hard work and personal accountability i think that should be a no brainer.
I do to, but I want the option to disagree and be sure the teachers aren't pushing something besides an encouraging message to love your country, work hard, obey your parents, get good grades and stay in school. I would like to know the content of what will be said to them.

Yeah. I'm so with you. The fact that we were justified in exterminating the indians to allow for the american manifest destiny, or that the civil was was all about slavery, or that the american military is only used for the right reasons, these are all the correct lessons my teachers taught me.


To be responsible you should know what these people may say to your kids. It's not a permission issue, it's an awareness issue....don't automatically think that just because these people work/teach in these places that all share your values.

I hope that whoever teaches kids does not have my same values letter for letter. The last thing I would want is to have an army of people who walk and talk the same as their parents.
I hope that whoever teaches kids does not have my same values letter for letter. The last thing I would want is to have an army of people who walk and talk the same as their parents.

No, but you should have the right to disagree and not be harassed or have your child harassed if you do disagree.

I like what you you believe our educational system feels like that? I believe it is just the opposite.
No, but you should have the right to disagree and not be harassed or have your child harassed if you do disagree.

I like what you you believe our educational system feels like that? I believe it is just the opposite.

So again, just as snoogit was pointing out with the 'ask permissions' thing, you seem ok with it as long as the person has your same point of view. No one is allowed to be upset by (or as you say "harass" you for) your point of view? Isn't that ALSO what freedom of speech protects?

edit: I miss FlyNavy in these threads.
So again, just as snoogit was pointing out with the 'ask permissions' thing, you seem ok with it as long as the person has your same point of view. No one is allowed to be upset by (or as you say "harass" you for) your point of view? Isn't that ALSO what freedom of speech protects?

edit: I miss FlyNavy in these threads.
You cry harassment everytime someone mentions religion.

Edit: ok it was the austrailian but still, same demographic

This is fucking disgusting.

Get 'em while they're young, huh?
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No, but you should have the right to disagree and not be harassed or have your child harassed if you do disagree.

I like what you you believe our educational system feels like that? I believe it is just the opposite.

I think the public education system does a much better job of preaching dissenting viewpoints then the private education system does.
So again, just as snoogit was pointing out with the 'ask permissions' thing, you seem ok with it as long as the person has your same point of view. No one is allowed to be upset by (or as you say "harass" you for) your point of view? Isn't that ALSO what freedom of speech protects?

no. in the US, the school system isn't a venue for "freedom of speech." it's an educational environment with a curriculum that is predetermined. At least in the school systems I'm familiar with.
I think the public education system does a much better job of preaching dissenting viewpoints then the private education system does.
:lol: k-12 education reflects the views of the local populace (local school board hires and sets policy), and is almost universally pro-union (public school teachers are one of the larger unions).

Private schools vary from Amish -> super competitive prep schools. You get what you pay for, and least they dont lie about it.