BIG controversy over Obama's speech to kids

Alternate version:

The ant, having found some great loopholes in the housing market back in 2005, has flipped 20 properties between other ants in the colony, and they have all pocketed massive amounts of cash from the differences between mortgages, and realtor fees since ant had a couple friends play insider middle men in the transactions. Happy that his offshore account now holds the pilferings of the banking system, he heads when the press starts to heat up on his ass, trudging through the snow towards the waiting flight to cancun.

Meanwhile, the caterpillers, butterflys, honeybees, and ladybugs are left behind to pay for all of the ants fraudulent activities.

so true man.. i say it all the time, those mortgage brokers and realtors made a KILLING and now they're left with no price to pay.
This type of shit makes my blood boil. You're basically saying that the less fortunate are worthless and don't deserve to be healthy or to even live. Fascist.

that's some funny shit right there.

let me guess, when someone tells you 'no' they don't want you to - ZOMG - EVEN LIVE!

what I'm saying is I don't owe them any MORE that the very generous benefits they get. and that I don't feel sorry for them. there is a tiny 2% that are truly needy, the rest are just parasites. No - I don't think we have 50% victims here. just the same way that I don't think the losing team is a victim.
I would think, for a kid, it would be a pretty cool experience to have the President come and talk to the school. Sure there are lovers and haters out there, and parents pulling their kids out of school to avoid the President is their right as parents, but it's also a pretty dumb move. Even if you disagree with the politics or the beliefs, it's the job of the parent to teach kids to think for themselves, so even if the kid hears something a parent might find objectionable, wouldn't that only provide an opportune moment for communication between parent and child so the kids can hear the other side and then have information to chose their own path.

If the argument is that kids are too young to do this, then what's the difference anyway? If a kid is too young to think for himself, then how is the President talking about something political even going to matter? If parents are going to be that scared of a speech then they must not have very strong confidence in their own parenting.

It's the President, talking to kids in school, that's cool. Get over it.
And the most important thing is that it's something that's been done for years.

I imagine it would be a pretty inspirational speech too. I mean you gotta give credit to the man, he's an excellent speaker and can use his words to move and motivate people. What kid doesn't need a little more of that in his life?

This is really just some stupid Chicken Little sky is falling nonsense. I would imagine the speech would go, don't do drugs, stay in school, work together for a brighter future, be responsible.

I mean George Bush was reading to a class of students when 9/11 happened... Presidents visit schools... why is this a bigger deal than the fact that Bush could actually read?
I imagine it would be a pretty inspirational speech too. I mean you gotta give credit to the man, he's an excellent speaker and can use his words to move and motivate people. What kid doesn't need a little more of that in his life?

This is really just some stupid Chicken Little sky is falling nonsense. I would imagine the speech would go, don't do drugs, stay in school, work together for a brighter future, be responsible.

I mean George Bush was reading to a class of students when 9/11 happened... Presidents visit schools... why is this a bigger deal than the fact that Bush could actually read?

Um, the the opposition always screams the sky is falling. Both sides. Though, you cant accuse Bush of ever actually influencing anyone with a speech :lol:
Then came a grade-school girl. "I saw a lot of signs outside saying mean things about reforming health care" she said. Here one expected a gentle and avuncular riff on the wonderful and vivid expressions of agreement and disagreement to be seen in a vibrant democracy. But no. The president made a small grimace. "I've seen some of those signs," he said. There's been a "rumor" the House voted for "death panels" that will "pull the plug on grandma," but it's all a lie.

I'm glad he'd like psychiatric care included in future coverage, because after that answer, that child may need therapy.

From several weeks ago.
this really is amazing to me. he's the ELECTED PRESIDENT.. the campaign is over.



Closemindedness knows no bounds. Of course if McCain became president, you'd have the same thing just the opposite people doing it. It's just ridiculous.
Closemindedness knows no bounds. Of course if McCain became president, you'd have the same thing just the opposite people doing it. It's just ridiculous.

When Bush senior addressed school kids on a love tv broadcast, the Dems complained about the cost to tax payers for it. They did not call Bush a fascist, hitler, *insert evil person's name here*..

They may complain about the same things, but they don't complain the same way.
When Bush senior addressed school kids on a love tv broadcast, the Dems complained about the cost to tax payers for it. They did not call Bush a fascist, hitler, *insert evil person's name here*..

They may complain about the same things, but they don't complain the same way.

I'm talking about now if it was McCain giving the speech. Don't try to pretend people wouldn't nitpick every little thing McCain would have done had he been in office.
I'm talking about now if it was McCain giving the speech. Don't try to pretend people wouldn't nitpick every little thing McCain would have done had he been in office.

Maybe they would, but what's more important is if it's justified. McCain is a absolute moron. Probably worse than Bush. If you are going to make that kind of comparison then you are going to have to much more detailed.
Maybe they would, but what's more important is if it's justified. McCain is a absolute moron. Probably worse than Bush. If you are going to make that kind of comparison then you are going to have to much more detailed.

And people think Obama's an idiot. I'm not saying what they're doing to Obama right now is justified, but they're doing it. Just like they'd do if it was McCain.