WTF Bad boys, Bad boys, whatcha gonna do

I always knew this place was full of damaged individuals but this here gives me the willies.
Yes, you're more than welcome to shout Constitutional law to someone who may or may not understand it. What's its going to cost you to show that cop how right you are? I hope it's worth it.


Be a fucking adult, and understand that there is a time, place, and system to attempt to correct injustices.
OK but you said resisting arrest is a crime and the way you said it implied that it is *always* a crime, which it isn't.

but you're also putting the burden on the wronged rather than trying to have a discussion about the fact that the cops behavior is fucked up, or that it's ludicrous to charge someone with resisting an unlawful and unnecessary arrest. your input was "lol well it's a crime" and it isn't even that.
realistically is it generally safer to go along with it and fight it later? obviously, and I say generally because compliance is no guaranteed stay of execution. but when shit like this DOES happen, it should start a dialogue about the legal/"justice" system and LEO participation, not just "well that's what you get."
OK but you said resisting arrest is a crime and the way you said it implied that it is *always* a crime, which it isn't.

but you're also putting the burden on the wronged rather than trying to have a discussion about the fact that the cops behavior is fucked up, or that it's ludicrous to charge someone with resisting an unlawful and unnecessary arrest. your input was "lol well it's a crime" and it isn't even that.
Except it is a crime. And right or wrong, preaching Constitutional law during a high anxiety interaction can have chilling consequences. There is a time and place for everything. You can go ahead and punch a cop, if you'd like. I'll take my arrest and then handle it later properly, with lawyers.
Except it is a crime. And right or wrong, preaching Constitutional law during a high anxiety interaction can have chilling consequences. There is a time and place for everything. You can go ahead and punch a cop, if you'd like. I'll take my arrest and then handle it later properly, with lawyers.
if you read the link, there is several examples of legal precedence.

it's still fucked up to blame the wronged party for not better handling being wronged.
but you're right, I don't think if she'd mentioned constitutional law it would have helped, considering asking then to follow the law had already resulted in him wigging out on her (she did not consent to a search as he did not have a warrant, which she asked him for)
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I'll take my arrest and then handle it later properly, with lawyers.

which is totally an option for everyone that has the money for that but most people targeted by police simply don't

the point she's making is that it's NOT a crime in every circumstance
yeah, you let yourself get taken in, you're gonna sit in jail for 3+ months waiting for a trial if you cant afford bail, with no recourse.

In that time, you'll lose your job, everyone will assume you're guilty, and your bills with go unpaid. You'll come out, "innocent" but still completely fucked.

Right to a speedy trial is a non-true edict these days.
it's also really easy to say "here's how I would handle it" when you've never been in that situation, and your complexion guarantees you a bit of safety from ever finding yourself in that situation.
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plus I don't think @august at any point suggested trying to punch the cop

but to say that the only thing you should do when a cop is acting illegally is lay down and take the abuse is kinda bullshit. it shouldn't be acceptable for cops to arrest someone for not having a nice attitude toward them