Hawt Arrest The Pope!

I might possibly be supportive, if I thought they cared at all about justice and not just about sticking it to religion. As it is, they're just confirming my perception that they're both tools who rank higher on the arrogant-douchebag scale than most religious folk.

You're awfully smart for a mushroom cloud laying mother fucker.
I might possibly be supportive, if I thought they cared at all about justice and not just about sticking it to religion. As it is, they're just confirming my perception that they're both tools who rank higher on the arrogant-douchebag scale than most religious folk.

Not possible to be more arrogant than most religious folk.

And how do you know they don't care....
Still you..

You some how think that the Church of England is a Catholic Church.

The only way you can apply that logic is basically also saying that all Christians are a Jewish faith.

You were also using the wrong sect of Christianity. The Church of England had nothing to do with the reformation. The whole reason for the split was because the Pope didn't grant the King a divorce from his wife. This had nothing to do with Martin Luther. So no they aren't even a reformed Catholic Church as you put it.

Yes they are.. Go read something..
No it won't. He just proved he knew nothing about the very thing he hates, so I'm done with it.

Dude.. The Church of England IS a catholic church. And yes they are reformed.

Go to Google. Type in "Church of England". Read something.
Moderate Christians SHOULDN'T be a vocal minority, is what I am getting at.

No, they should, for the exact reasons people dislike vocal christians.

This is from personal experience and from most of the middle of the road types I know. Religion is a personal thing, and everyone is free to make their own choice. We're not out to save people, or convert them, or even tell them how, who, or why to worship. That is the realm of extremists and jihadists.

Most moderates just want to do their thing, live their life, and worship how they choose.
That's a bullshit tactic? I actually liked it. I mean, it's not like they were going to create a massive bible bonfire. They donated the bibles to libraries.

Right, but you liked it because you support what they say. It's a bias thing, to be sure.

I could find some more egregious examples, but I'm not really of the mindset to search it out. Just saying, they are as vocal about telling people about how they shouldn't worship as the religious zealots are about telling people how they should. Neither are innocent of trying to force their agenda on others who don't think the same way.
And if they were all like this, I wouldn't have a problem with religion.

That's an interesting point? Do you have a problem with all black people because of a minority involved in crime?

Do you have a problem with all spanish people because some of them are illegal aliens?

It's the same mindset, really. The vocal religous types are so vocal, it is all most people are exposed. The majority can be very live and let live. That doesn't mean they immediately believe what everyone else wants them to believe, and will get stubborn, just like anyone, when told what they should believe as opposed to being able to make up their own minds. Just normal folk. It's the one's who make the press (nowdays, we're not talking the freakish craziness of the dark and middle ages here) that set the expectation. The media is the monster.