9 Months Along and Missing

I agree with you 100%

I was laughing at the statement 'erect carriage' and that was the first thing I thought of :fly:

I know, I just hate the segway with a passion :lol: so fucking overhyped, I kept hearing about this new device called ginger that was going to CHANGE THE FRAKING WORLD

such a letdown. I will never forgive society for that crap
If I had to guess-- which I have to, since I'm not bothering to do any research on this-- I'd say they draw the line on whether or not the fetus could live, unaided, outside the uterus.

So by that definition a baby born prematurely or a baby through difficult birth can be killed without murder charges?

what about water births where the baby still is not breathing regularly?

This isn't meant to argue with you necessarily, just disputing certain things about it.
Obviously he should get tried with 2 murders for one simple reason...

If he cut open her belly he would pull out a living breathing child. She was only 2 weeks away people!
I guess my question is for those who donb't believe this should be a double murder and for those that believe abortion is ok. At what point is it a human? At what point can the courts decide that the death of the child is actually murder?

I find late-term abortions repulsive, but would prefer others to have the option to make their own decisions about the process. Either way, after the child is born, its certainly murder.
I find late-term abortions repulsive, but would prefer others to have the option to make their own decisions about the process. Either way, after the child is born, its certainly murder.

Its a tumor living inside of her. Murder count for a tumor?!

I find late-term abortions repulsive, but would prefer others to have the option to make their own decisions about the process. Either way, after the child is born, its certainly murder.

Something about sucking chunks of baby guts out of a woman repulses me too. I dont see how people can have an abortion after seeing it take full shape of a child in an ultrasound.
Something about sucking chunks of baby guts out of a woman repulses me too. I dont see how people can have an abortion after seeing it take full shape of a child in an ultrasound.

That reminds me of this: I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
Alternately, you can take Kiwi's approach and declare any fertilized human egg as a human being-- which makes me wonder how she feels about fertility clinics and the dozens of thousands of fertilized eggs currently languishing in freezers.

While the egg is fertilized, it isn't in a place where it can actually develop and grow, it's simply ready to become something but not doing so yet.

My sister had an eptopic pregnancy, there was a fertilized egg and it was somewhat developing, but due to the circumstances, it would never actually develop into a human, this pregnancy was aborted and I see nothing wrong with instances like that.

Like you stated, no one can win this debate, we all have our different opinions and we aren't going to change anyone's mind.
I think when murdering someone if you know that ending their life will end the life within them then it should be charged as 2 murders. The husband would have known she was pregnant.
You've had an abortion? Wow, I didn't know they had figured out how to get a man pregnant.

Yes, sadly my weight didnt decline

Edit - You do not have to be the female to feel the pain of an abortion. The mental pain far outlives the physical pain.
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While the egg is fertilized, it isn't in a place where it can actually develop and grow, it's simply ready to become something but not doing so yet.

My sister had an eptopic pregnancy, there was a fertilized egg and it was somewhat developing, but due to the circumstances, it would never actually develop into a human, this pregnancy was aborted and I see nothing wrong with instances like that.

Like you stated, no one can win this debate, we all have our different opinions and we aren't going to change anyone's mind.

I've been through that...it's what pretty much ended my last long term relationship