9 Months Along and Missing

No, its not even born yet. With the proper care, both of her legs could survive outside of her body. Does that mean that he should be responsible for 4 murders?

There are states that allow 3rd trimester abortions.

we don't explicitly know his intent at this time but it's a safe bet the unborn kid had something to do with him killing her...she was only 2 weeks from delivery so obviously she had no intent to abort...2 murders
I believe that a court of law would argue otherwise as the embryo is not even remotely viable at just one week.

If you want to get technical, there isn't even an embryo at one week pregnant, that happens between week 2-3. But in my opinion, abortion at any age is killing.
If you want to get technical, there isn't even an embryo at one week pregnant, that happens between week 2-3. But in my opinion, abortion at any age is killing.

Killing, yes. The important question is what is being killed, because it's certainly not a human being at that point.
I heard an interview with a priest once in which he was asked when he thought human life began. His answer was interesting. Apparently before a certain point in pregnancy you can take the embryo (or whatever it's called at that point) and pull it apart, chop it up, etc, and not actually destroy it. You just end up with more embryos. His theory was that human life began once the embryo could no longer take such rough treatment-- presumably because a soul had taken root at that point.

I don't know that I buy that, but he at least did some research and think it through in a way which was consistent with his belief as opposed to a knee-jerk response.