FYI 14 dead, 50 wounded

What? Define an unreal as opposed to real life? When I moved to Nottingham, the local pub was so rough you had to fight your way up to be accepted or leave. I had 6 or 7 fights before the lads left me alone/ accepted me. Is that real enough? I didn't feel the need for a weapon because no-one else had one. Do some research into Liverpool which is where I'm from. You'd probably feel the need for an armoured carrier if you lived there. I'm no stranger to violence, crime or any of the things that seem to have you running scared.
Immature? Try again. i outgrew a lot of the macho bullshit you seem to be obsessed with when you were still in diapers.

Can you not read? I called her Immature and you a troll. Shut up.
Not an impulse murder you wont. Idiots with easy access to something that can kill someone quickly will inevitably kill people without thinking. You know one funny side effect of England losing football matches? The rate of domestic violence against spouses rises astronomically just after a loss in the evening. Now imagine if we let idiots like that have guns, I guarantee some poor wife would get shot for burning dinner.

[insert unoriginal sexist joke here]

Ahh the magical scenario fantasy land of the anti gunner. They just make up the scenario as they go along.

No mass murder w/ a firearm was with out planning. These were sick people that went off the edge a long time ago.
I would bet I have more miles under my belt than you do sweet tits.

Travelling the same miles time and time again isn't experience. You have tremendously parochial views that are typical of your little bit of America's culture. Thankfully, most Americans aren't like you. Just out of interest, do you own a passport?
Travelling the same miles time and time again isn't experience. You have tremendously parochial views that are typical of your little bit of America's culture. Thankfully, most Americans aren't like you. Just out of interest, do you own a passport?

Yes I have a passport, it expires next year. Just because my views don't match yours does not make them parochial.
Oh and just to be factual. The murder rate in the USofA is around 4.8 per 100thousand. Nowhere in Europe is it higher than a third of that. Something is wrong, and I'm pretty sure guns have a lot to do with it.

No, opening up our borders and taking in the shit you wont has a lot to do with it.
ok so i have skipped many pages of this thread...please forgive me if this has been talked about previously, but the most bothersome question to me is

why didn't he kill himself?

i cannot figure out why he went through all of this, but wanted to be here for the rest of the cookie crumbling. don't many mass killers also end their own lives? i can't figure out WHY he wants to remain here and deal with it all, especially if he isn't talking.

any hypotheses?
ok so i have skipped many pages of this thread...please forgive me if this has been talked about previously, but the most bothersome question to me is

why didn't he kill himself?

i cannot figure out why he went through all of this, but wanted to be here for the rest of the cookie crumbling. don't many mass killers also end their own lives? i can't figure out WHY he wants to remain here and deal with it all, especially if he isn't talking.

any hypotheses?

Actually most don't kill themselves. Alot of them have no friends and in thier minds are failures. Doing something this bad makes them famous and feel important. It's one big reason the Gov. keeps telling people to not speak his name.
ok so i have skipped many pages of this thread...please forgive me if this has been talked about previously, but the most bothersome question to me is

why didn't he kill himself?

i cannot figure out why he went through all of this, but wanted to be here for the rest of the cookie crumbling. don't many mass killers also end their own lives? i can't figure out WHY he wants to remain here and deal with it all, especially if he isn't talking.

any hypotheses?

Hes fucking crazy, thats why.