FYI 14 dead, 50 wounded

Paranoia or an out of control gun problem then?

If I go to my favorite theater, which has these huge couches and bean bags, I don't always carry. We go during the day, and it's in a nice side of town. Of course that means nothing, but I do get lazy.

Now at night, in a mall that's closed before the movie is over , walking with my wife in an dark parking lot... You're damn right I'm going to carry. Always, and I always have my flashlight on me. I take you calling me paranoid as an insult, but I feel it's because you're ignorance on real life, so I'm trying to give you a pass. If someone was to try and rob me, or hurt my family I don't want to be caught w/ my pants down.I might get caught anyway, and get robbed while I'm carrying and not be able to do shit, but I have a much better chance when I'm carrying. I'm choosing not to be a victim. If nothing happens, then it's business as usual with my great wife, going to watch another movie. No one is hurt from my actions.
If I go to my favorite theater, which has these huge couches and bean bags, I don't always carry. We go during the day, and it's in a nice side of town. Of course that means nothing, but I do get lazy.

Now at night, in a mall that's closed before the movie is over , walking with my wife in an dark parking lot... You're damn right I'm going to carry. Always, and I always have my flashlight on me. I take you calling me paranoid as an insult, but I feel it's because you're ignorance on real life, so I'm trying to give you a pass. If someone was to try and rob me, or hurt my family I don't want to be caught w/ my pants down.I might get caught anyway, and get robbed while I'm carrying and not be able to do shit, but I have a much better chance when I'm carrying. I'm choosing not to be a victim. If nothing happens, then it's business as usual with my great wife, going to watch another movie. No one is hurt from my actions.

See this troll who knows nothing about real life ( what does that mean? I have lived an obviously unreal life for 55 years in high crime, low crime and average areas. I've been a company owner, father, husband, employee, student, criminal, champion weightlifter, survival skills trainer, ultrarunner, circus skills performer, dance dj and professional political campaigner but what do I know about life?) thinks people who feel the need to carry guns either live in unfeasibly high crime areas or are sad little people with no sense of proportionality who would think shooting and killing someone a reasonable response to an attempted robbery. FWIW I have handled firearms, but I didn't find I needed them to feel like a man.
  • Gravy
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I count that as hunting and target practice all at once. I don't begrudge anyone with a wildlife problem owning a gun, many of our farmers in Britain have guns for that exact reason.

We've had alot of bear issues this year. Usually it's just the big cats, coyotes, and occasional bear but the numbers are very high this year.
See this troll who knows nothing about real life ( what does that mean? I have lived an obviously unreal life for 55 years in high crime, low crime and average areas. I've been a company owner, father, husband, employee, student, criminal, champion weightlifter, survival skills trainer, ultrarunner, circus skills performer, dance dj and professional political campaigner but what do I know about life?) thinks people who feel the need to carry guns either live in unfeasibly high crime areas or are sad little people with no sense of proportionality who would think shooting and killing someone a reasonable response to an attempted robbery. FWIW I have handled firearms, but I didn't find I needed them to feel like a man.
You missed out scout leader, hockey player and coach and mormon priest amongst other things.
What? Define an unreal as opposed to real life? When I moved to Nottingham, the local pub was so rough you had to fight your way up to be accepted or leave. I had 6 or 7 fights before the lads left me alone/ accepted me. Is that real enough? I didn't feel the need for a weapon because no-one else had one. Do some research into Liverpool which is where I'm from. You'd probably feel the need for an armoured carrier if you lived there. I'm no stranger to violence, crime or any of the things that seem to have you running scared.
Immature? Try again. i outgrew a lot of the macho bullshit you seem to be obsessed with when you were still in diapers.
And yet if you're a law abiding citizen and you go postal you don't tend to take 50 people with you if you can't access a gun.

Then you crash a car into a line of waiting people or build a home made bomb from instructions found online. Where there is a will to do murder they will always find a way.
Then you crash a car into a line of waiting people or build a home made bomb from instructions found online. Where there is a will to do murder they will always find a way.

Not an impulse murder you wont. Idiots with easy access to something that can kill someone quickly will inevitably kill people without thinking. You know one funny side effect of England losing football matches? The rate of domestic violence against spouses rises astronomically just after a loss in the evening. Now imagine if we let idiots like that have guns, I guarantee some poor wife would get shot for burning dinner.

[insert unoriginal sexist joke here]