Workout Thread

Meh, I weight way too much as it is and I want to lose all the fat, not gain loads of muscle. I'll get a personal trainer to draw me up a program or something.

muscle weighs 2-3x as much as fat. if you replace fat with muscle you will weigh more
I read last night that even just thinking about and imagining your body doing strenuous exercise for 15 min a day can make you up to 15% stronger. I have my new exercise regime figured out now.
You're not going to gain loads of muscle, but you'll gain some faster than you begin to burn the fat. And muscle weighs more than fat...

Mmkay, thanks for an intelligent post. I suppose seeing as I'm so unfit my muscles are gonna build and firm up a bit to begin with. I can kinda feel my arms getting more firmer already. Going to talk about gym memberships tonight so I can get a real plan of action from one of the trainers. :)
I was just thinking that I haven't seen coqui in a while. I also thought the resurrection of this thread would call to him. :fly: