Workout Thread

Any discussion of flawed dieting techniques will draw coqui out faster than a February morning drags out puxatawney phil.

Or I could just not bother to come back seeing as this just happened to be the thread at the top of the page when I had a minutes to look on the forums.
that's rich! you're the one who doesn't have a clue :lol:
I was calling you on it and now he is too. backpedal, backpedal! quick!


Meh, I weight way too much as it is and I want to lose all the fat, not gain loads of muscle. I'll get a personal trainer to draw me up a program or something.

muscle weighs 2-3x as much as fat. if you replace fat with muscle you will weigh more

Did you read my post? I want to LOSE fat and NOT gain muscle.

So in answer to my 'Did you read my post?' basically you did, you just didn't understand it.

Where's the Duke tard smiley when you need one?
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