summer plans?

We are headed to Utah to visit for a week in 3 weeks. After that, my parents and it seems most my family, is coming back to Arizona to help get a house my parents just bought ready to be a rental. End of June we are probably buying a second car (yea!) and then swimming lessons in July, and school starts up Aug 11.
omg omg going to the LAB and and the LAB and im going to SAVE THE WORLD and and and then people will say SHES A DOCTOR and and and and THEN all the MEN will think SHES a CATCH and THEN ill show THEM becuase becuase ill be in the LAB and ill be like "I HAVE NO TIME FOR YOU -MEN" becuase im in the LAB and then they'll say "BUT WHY NOT" and ill say "LAB" because that's all there IS TO ME

This has me giggling like a titillated school girl.