Ask a Mormon anything.

How does Mormanism explain the other religions?

They are all based off of a set of beliefs just like we are. A lot of them have come from good foundations and have a lot of good taught, they just don't have ALL the teachings that we need in this life, or the Priesthood.

If Mormonism is all volunteer and about serving, why are the temples so grandious and splendid instead of a building that serves the purpose without being austentatious, giving the remainder of the money to charity?

I'm not sure if I could answer this question to be honest. The best way for me to say it is they are the House of the Lord, Heaven is so much more beautiful than anything we could imagine on this earth, and the temples are meant to remind us of Heaven and Eternity and what's beyond this life.
Ok, so really this started out as a joke, I didn't think you guys would really ask questions. I'll be back to answer them, but it may take a while. We've got to go eat lunch and I have a bday party this afternoon. So, feel free to continue asking and I will do my best to answer them.
I say leave children out of religion until they are old enough to grasp its metaphors and nuances and draw their own conclusions. Kids shouldn't be forced to go through arbitrary motions that they can't understand anyway simply because it affirms their parents' individual faith or grants them peace of mind.
What does Mormonism say about the fate of people who are not religious, but still try and lead a moral life according to their conscience?
do all mormon wives fantasize about lesbian encounters with random hot chicks?

Only when they take off their special underwear, which is why it's so important to wear it at all times. It's like a burqa for the loins.
Ok, so really this started out as a joke, I didn't think you guys would really ask questions. I'll be back to answer them, but it may take a while. We've got to go eat lunch and I have a bday party this afternoon. So, feel free to continue asking and I will do my best to answer them.

:heart: Thank you for your answers regardless :heart:
do all mormon wives fantasize about lesbian encounters with random hot chicks?

I doubt it, but wouldn't that be awesome if they did?

What does Mormonism say about the fate of people who are not religious, but still try and lead a moral life according to their conscience?

They'll be just fine. There are different levels of Heaven, the highest you have to be married in a temple and live according to that to get into. There you get to be with your families forever and become God's and Goddesses yourself. If you don't make it there, there are lower kingdoms that are still grand that people will go too. Very few people will actually be in "Hell" and most people think of it. The less good of a person you are (so like, Mikey ;)) the lower down the pole you'll be. Even the lowest kingdom above Hell is better then this earth.

Why did mormons start polygamy?

Two main reasons. As stated above, you have to be married in a temple to get into the highest level of Heaven. There are simply more women that are worthy to be there then men, but they need a man to get there, so it's simple math. Second, as people were coming across the plains, lots of men were killed/died/whatever, and that left a lot of women with children and no man to help take care of them out in the middle of nothing and to settle with once they got to Utah. So the men that were left married them and took care of them.
No it's clearly about Mormons, a recent episode had them traveling to the place where the thought Bob Smith, John Smith, Joe Smith or whoever wrote the Book of Mormon, plus they reference LDS a lot.

God damn you are such a fuckin idiot.
I doubt it, but wouldn't that be awesome if they did?

They'll be just fine. There are different levels of Heaven, the highest you have to be married in a temple and live according to that to get into. There you get to be with your families forever and become God's and Goddesses yourself. If you don't make it there, there are lower kingdoms that are still grand that people will go too. Very few people will actually be in "Hell" and most people think of it. The less good of a person you are (so like, Mikey ;)) the lower down the pole you'll be. Even the lowest kingdom above Hell is better then this earth.

Two main reasons. As stated above, you have to be married in a temple to get into the highest level of Heaven. There are simply more women that are worthy to be there then men, but they need a man to get there, so it's simple math. Second, as people were coming across the plains, lots of men were killed/died/whatever, and that left a lot of women with children and no man to help take care of them out in the middle of nothing and to settle with once they got to Utah. So the men that were left married them and took care of them.

I always thought Heaven was a place of peace and equality why would there be a society barrier like there is on earth?

Some people will simply earn more rewards then others. Why take that away from them just cause someone else didn't earn it and heaven forbid we are different from anyone else?