top ten pet peeves

I hate to break it to you, sunshine, but everybody does this. All the time. Look into your heart. You know it's true. You even do it yourself.
This is true to an extent. You can't help it when dealing with the local bar whore, or a bum begging for change, or something similar .. but I'm more talking about that one individual who does it to everyone. That shit gets anoying. I'm talking about those people who can't find any good in anyone that isn't themselves. I know you've met a person like this, I know they aren't all regulated to AL. :lol:.

My mom is super bad about this. I get onto her all the time about it. Made it hard for me to keep friends for any length of time in High School because anyone I brought over she nit picked to death. "she wears to much makeup, I bet she's loose. You don't need to hang out with her, people will think you are too" , "look how messy his clothes look, man his mother is lazy" , "she doesn't look very smart, you shouldn't hang out with them, people will think you dont' care either" , "her parents don't even have office jobs, I bet they do drugs" .. stuff like that. Someone who always has something negative to say about someone else, but never gives what might actually be going on a second thought.

People that make a list of pet peeves.

Don't make me add people who tell people they'll be right back and don't ever come back to that list ... :thrawn: :lol:

and WTF is champs your buns?

man .. I lay down with my laptop on my lap and stare over the keys .. sometimes ... you hit the wrong keys ok lol. And I don't pay enough attention outside of work to notice my clerical errors all the time .. :p Bite me
My mom is super bad about this. I get onto her all the time about it. Made it hard for me to keep friends for any length of time in High School because anyone I brought over she nit picked to death. "she wears to much makeup, I bet she's loose. You don't need to hang out with her, people will think you are too" , "look how messy his clothes look, man his mother is lazy" , "she doesn't look very smart, you shouldn't hang out with them, people will think you dont' care either" , "her parents don't even have office jobs, I bet they do drugs" .. stuff like that. Someone who always has something negative to say about someone else, but never gives what might actually be going on a second thought.

I think that might be less about stereotyping and more about being an obnoxious shrew.
Well, label it what you will .. it is what it is, and it's one of my pet peeves lol. Sterotyping/judging/being obnoxious .. it's all the same to me.

Hmm... clearly unconcerned with choosing the right word to describe a situation. I bet you're a sloppy dresser, foul mouthed, and wipe your feces on the walls of bathroom stalls. It's painfully obvious for all to see.
I'm going to have to agree about the negative people.

I can't think and don't want to type anything else at this point.
1. People who make top ten lists about pet peeves.



2. People who beat me to posts. Screw you thrawn, and your little dog too.
1. Noisy eaters

2. Close talkers

3. People that interrupt you (In person) when you're eating at your desk

4. Full sized vans

5. Go getters

6. Obnoxious portly 'tough guys' driving giant SUV's / pickup trucks fully emblazoned with Harley Davidson stickers that go out of their way to try and cut me off/block me/race me ( :rolleyes: ) / swear at me when I'm riding my bike who don't even actually OWN a bike because their wives won't let them.

7. Panicky people

8. People that stand in the middle of an aisle or sidewalk

9. People that use cell-phones in the can, unless it's at a bar and it's the only place you can hear the other party

10. The Dutch
See you take that out of context.

I am talking about talking about/doing stuff in front of them and having the complex that "they're justkids, they don't realize/understand what we're saying/doing". I know for a fact they comprehend more than you think.

They just dont always comprehend it like they should .. which is what causes problems.

Well, children either understand more or they don't understand more. Sure, children get tons of information these days, especially over the net; but that doesn't mean they remotely understand the full implications of such information. So, no, I didn't take it out of context.

But, that doesn't really matter to the subject at hand. This is a nice thread and I am not trying to stomp on it.

However, there is no way in the world for you to know what I think children know. None at all. I can say there is a huge difference between intelligence, a compilation of facts and real wisdom. Children have zero wisdom. Until you acquire that, you are flying through life somewhat blind.

I have experience and success in dealing with children. I will stand on what I say.
I have experience and success in dealing with children. I will stand on what I say.

You would argue with a stump wouldn't you? You do realize that not everything that someone says directly correlates to you, your point of view, or your opinions, right? People don't always have to agree on everything.

That is my point of view on how I feel people devalue what children can and do comprehend. It is my pet peeve. I believe it to be true based on self experienced events.

If it's not your pet peeve or you don't agree. Put that on your pet peeve list.
You would argue with a stump wouldn't you? You do realize that not everything that someone says directly correlates to you, your point of view, or your opinions, right? People don't always have to agree on everything.

That is my point of view on how I feel people devalue what children can and do comprehend. It is my pet peeve. I believe it to be true based on self experienced events.

If it's not your pet peeve or you don't agree. Put that on your pet peeve list.

I agree with you. So many people have no concept of how smart kids are. They absorb EVERYTHING, and display a shocking ability to interpret and reflect on those things.