Thread Cool Things The Pope says

Well the last Pope was a dick. JP2 validated evolution as well, iirc.
Agreed. And yes, JP2 said the same as did many before him. JP2 was actually quite conservative as far as popes go, but was quite personable which made him so well loved.
I think that "emergency" forced baptism because one person feels that you should be indoctrinated into their personal beliefs is the most fucked up thing ever.
I dont know exactly what you are referring to but according to Canon Law adults can only have a valid baptism after:

"an adult must have manifested the intention to receive baptism"
Canon Law 865 1

Also Canon Law on infants:
"For an infant to be baptised lawfully it is required...

1° that the parents, or at least one of them, or the person who lawfully holds their place, give their consent;
2° that there be a hope that the child will be brought up in the catholic religion. If such hope is truly lacking, the baptism is, in accordance with the provisions of particular law, to be deferred and the parents advised of the reason for this.
§2 An infant of catholic parents, indeed even of non-catholic parents, may in danger of death be baptised even if the parents are opposed to it."

So only in DANGER OF IMMEDIATE DEATH, can one baptize a non catholic infant against the wishes of the parents.

Also not in direct repsonse to this post, lay persons are only allowed to perform valid baptisms when there is absolutely no way to get a priest/deacon/monk etc. Your insane fucking aunt throwing water at you and saying youre baptized is totally void.

The problem is with lay people trying to apply rules that they don't understand and aren't educated about. Most of the things in this thread can be chalked up to 'your relatives are fucked up and ignorant fools.' Im really sorry, your families have room temperature IQs, that isn't the fault of the Catholic Church though.
Well the last Pope was a dick. JP2 validated evolution as well, iirc.
Evolution has never been against Catholic dogma. To quote the fucking bible "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Not "6000 or so years ago god created all the universe and everything in one instant" just and only God created the heavens and earth.
Original sin. Everyone who dies who is otherwise good, but not baptised, goes to purgatory. Where they can go to heaven, but not right away.
The problem is with lay people trying to apply rules that they don't understand and aren't educated about. Most of the things in this thread can be chalked up to 'your relatives are fucked up and ignorant fools.' Im really sorry, your families have room temperature IQs, that isn't the fault of the Catholic Church though.

Hey, I'm not the one who professed to knowing the Catholic church's doctrine.

Frankly, I don't think it's a huge reflection on IQ if its followers don't know all the doctrine either, since it as an organization has had 2000 years to accrete doctrine and ceremony. I mean, HP hasn't been around 100 years, and the amount of song and dance I have to go through just to get paid is backwards and random enough to make me crazy, but it doesn't mean I'm an idiot if I don't get it right every single time.

Cat laser blessing eyes gotchooooo!!!


Bless you mew child