WTF Your thoughts on Houston

I've been to Houston and I had a blast. Lots of yummy restaurants and we knew this gangster dude that took us to some hip joints and scored us some sweet drugs, then I got really sick and spent the last 3 days in my room @ the hotel.

Same here, except replace Houston with Cancun.
I am very very happy about the move. I have made lots of friends, had lots of parties to go to, love my apartment, completely enjoy the weather, and love the possibilities of what Texas has to offer (even just the small town of Houston and its variety).

I am feeling better and smiling more. I am not sneezing or coughing daily like I did in Cleveland. I like to think I am much more chipper than before. I haven't written a really heart-felt rant since I moved.

All in all, I couldn't have asked for a more positive move.

Well except for my place of work taking a shit, but even that doesn't keep my spirits THAT far down.