When will it end?

zengirl said:
Alcohol kills people too... remember prohibition

But if I drink, it doesn't kill the people around me (drunk driving arguments aside). That's the difference with smoking.
CletusJones said:
smoking doesn't kill others around you, secondhand smoke is a myth

So it should be perfectly fine for me to smoke with a baby in my car with the windows up? Sweet, can't wait to tell my wife.
tre said:
So it should be perfectly fine for me to smoke with a baby in my car with the windows up? Sweet, can't wait to tell my wife.
Well lets look at it this way... it's only been within the past 20 or so years that people have started being concerned about second hand smoke and kids and all that.

For almost an entire century before that, smoking wasn't condemned, in fact, when my grandmother was in her child bearing years her doctor even encouraged her to smoke to help with her nerves. Now, if we're so much better off now that we have all of these restrictions on smoking, why aren't we healthier? I can't name a single person I know who had adverse effects from their parents smoking inutero or during childhood.

zengirl said:
Well lets look at it this way... it's only been within the past 20 or so years that people have started being concerned about second hand smoke and kids and all that.

For almost an entire century before that, smoking wasn't condemned, in fact, when my grandmother was in her child bearing years her doctor even encouraged her to smoke to help with her nerves. Now, if we're so much better off now that we have all of these restrictions on smoking, why aren't we healthier? I can't name a single person I know who had adverse effects from their parents smoking inutero or during childhood.

You can't honestly be suggesting that smoking isn't bad for a fetus, can you?
fly said:
You can't honestly be suggesting that smoking isn't bad for a fetus, can you?
Just looking at my own family, I see no evidence supporting that claim. I'm not saying smoking isn't bad for you, not at all. What I am saying is that I think it's a bit overhyped, hyterical, and exaggerated.
ChikkenNoodul said:
Or than any half way intelligent human being would think that sucking on burning leaves could possibly be could for you to begin with.....
There are so many things we do to our bodies, and so many things we injest which are poison, cigarettes have become a single thing society has fixated on, and everything else seems to be ignored.
zengirl said:
Just looking at my own family, I see no evidence supporting that claim. I'm not saying smoking isn't bad for you, not at all. What I am saying is that I think it's a bit overhyped, hyterical, and exaggerated.
Although I'm not sure, common sense tells me there is overwhelming medical evidence to prove you wrong. :iono:
fly said:
Although I'm not sure, common sense tells me there is overwhelming medical evidence to prove you wrong. :iono:
Well sure, but for a time there was also overwhelming medical evidence to support the fact that eggs were bad for you... and then that was retracted to say they were good for you. Then another study showed that alcohol was poison to the system, and then another study showed that one to two drinks a day actually lowered blood pressure and helped prevent heart disease. Now pregnant women aren't supposed to eat tuna, eggs, caffeine, and many other common food items which have been dietary staples for centuries. It boggles the mind that after generations, right now, all of a sudden these things are detrimental to health. Suprising that we aren't extinct yet.
ChikkenNoodul said:
I'm not saying nothing else is poison ;)

I avoid preservatives 'n such as often as possible

And I smoke cigars myself......
SchmilK's granddad is currently undergoing chemo for throat and esophogeal cancer. He's a non smoker and worked for a printer all his life. A great many things cause cancer besides cigarettes.
zengirl said:
Well sure, but for a time there was also overwhelming medical evidence to support the fact that eggs were bad for you... and then that was retracted to say they were good for you. Then another study showed that alcohol was poison to the system, and then another study showed that one to two drinks a day actually lowered blood pressure and helped prevent heart disease. Now pregnant women aren't supposed to eat tuna, eggs, caffeine, and many other common food items which have been dietary staples for centuries. It boggles the mind that after generations, right now, all of a sudden these things are detrimental to health. Suprising that we aren't extinct yet.

It's like this. Science evolves daily. We discover things and make advances at an exponential rate. So yes, information is going to change. But there is no mystery regarding whether or not smoking kills you. Inhaling fumes, smoke, and chemicals is not what your lungs were intended to do. Obviously. Hence the coughing, hacking, wheezing, and death.

That having been said, we know that inhaled chemicals permeate the blood stream, and that when a woman is pregnant her blood stream circulates to her fetus. Thus the chemicals do too. So we know that smoking affects a fetus. Adversely? Let's see.

There is absolutely nothing positive whatsoever that can come from smoking as far as I'm concerned, and tens of thousand of highly educated and intelligent doctors and scientists back me up on that. Therefore, common sense tells me that that applies to the fetus as well. If a fetus was never intended to absorb any of the dozens of chemicals found in cigarettes, and those same chemicals harm and kill adults on a daily basis...

Now then, are you going to do the logical and safe thing and avoid the situation altogether, or gamble with the health of a baby that is completely and wholly at your mercy? Because I think that's the real issue here. Maybe you don't believe smoking is bad for unborn children, or maybe you simply aren't sure, but you know for a fact that whether it is or not, if you remove the smoke from the equation altogether suddenly the entire issue dissolves like so much....smoke.

So let's use our fucking brains here.