Whats fer dinna?

Do you roll your own, or do you have a pasta roller?

I roll my own sheets with my old hand-cranked Imperia pasta roller. It's hard to get it thin enough by hand with a rolling pin. I'm considering getting the attachment for my stand mixer.
^^^I don't ever go a year, but I'm definitely cyclical about it. 3 weeks on, 2 weeks off, 2 weeks on, 4 off.. etc..

but Spring has sprung here. it's beach season til late october now. :lol:
Well, I did win an Iron Chef competition last summer, beating a Cordon-Bleu trained friend of mine, so the price tag would be very high. I like the free babysitting, but I honestly think kiwi and thorny will have to wrestle for it
I just looked into the bag of chips for some survivor crumbs, there were none. Thinking about moving onto my left arm, its only decoration anyways.