Welcome to the New Yankme Workshop

Mean Mr. Mustard

Always shouts out something obscene
Sep 30, 2004
So as most of you know, I have the need to build crap hard-coded into my DNA.
Its what I am, its what I do. Ya so I spent GWBs "stimulus" check on a big fancy Delta table saw, which gives me even more of an excuse to make things.
I looked around the house for something I could build, and quickly discovered that the end tables by our couches were old crappy ones I had in my apartment before we got married. So off I went making sawdust.

I wanted to make something that matched to the coffee table we had, which was easy enough. I barrowed some of the features and copied the finish. Worked out pretty well.

Heres the completed and in place pic:


I usually sit in the corner seat by the laptop.

Theyre made from red oak , which is readily available in this area, with a colonial maple finish, and a satin poly top coat. They hold my beers and laptop quite nicely.

Ill spoiler all the in progress pics for those who dont care.

I didnt get as many in progress pics as I would have liked, but heres what I have.

The tops:

One of the large bodies:

Fit checking the top:

Fit check with drawer in place:

Fit checking the bottom shelf for the smaller table:

Looks like an Ent took a shit in here:

Inside with drawer assy and top fasteners in place:

Three tables ready for finish:

Finish complete:

I used biscuit joinery for everything, since all the planks were the same thickness. The edges of the tops are two boards laminated together. The whole thing is surprisingly sturdy and goddamn heavy.
I did all this work on the weekends over about a month and a half.

Rock on with the comment/questions fags.
I was thinking it would be annoying to have people walk behind you while sitting on a couch for whatever.

End tables look solid and fuctional though.

The upholstery is brown cloth? :cry:
you don't strike me as the cat person Drool - I always saw you as the type to house a big dog. Or an overworked out of shape clown
WOW...i am very impressed!! that's very cool...so when i fly you over to help us do stuff here you're not going to be surprised.

very nice, drool. :clap:
Very nice. I want to come to your house and play for a weekend. I need bunk beds at some point in the next 9 months and even found some plans I really like. Of course, transporting them back here could be problematic.