Thread Useless Politics

Sooooo much time is wasted on abortion when its an issue that effects so few people.

I think a tubiligation would be mandatory though when the public pays for the abortion.

1 out of 3 women will have an abortion or at the very least consider it. That seems like quite a large part of the population.
WTF Wisconsin.

New bill would waive requirements for disinfecting water

A legislative committee voted along partisan lines Tuesday to accept a bill that would change how Wisconsin municipalities treat their drinking water, a decision which concerned clean water advocates.

The bill, sponsored by Sen. Sheila Harsdorf, R-River Hills, and Rep. Erik Severson, R-Star Prairie, would alter current rules requiring city water systems to disinfect the water they provide to citizens and prohibit the Department of Natural Resources from enforcing the continuous disinfection of drinking water, according to the Legislative Reference Bureau.

And up on the chopping block is state funding and regulation of wind power.
I think that article is wrong.

Everything else I read says that municipalities in Wisc. were already not required to disinfect water. This vote upheld that.

I'm okay with it. A lot of these towns have populations of 5000 people or less. On scales that small, may be it's best for those communities to decide for themselves. Also, it's easier to put Republicant mind control serum in to the water system this way.
oh for fuck's sake, hippies will bitch about ANYTHING

cooling towers serve to reduce thermal pollution and mitigate its environmental impact
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We probably would if we knew how.

we have ways of dealing with those pesky volcanos
