[Article] This is your MMS thread now! New rule: Only post your own content

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I love everyone on here like fam. As @Mr. Asa said, I'm not that guy. Cheers, man.
You don't seem bitter or bitchy. Sufficient brain cells for someone to interact with decently . . . Welcome back.

Minimalism is a clearing in the forest of shit most clutter their homes with. We have one minimal room - the rest is cluttered with shit. Min-mal is easy to clean.
This is why you have to pay an expensive company that is bonded and insured. The whole moving industry is based around putting people in a bind and then extorting them. They'll pull the shit you went through or cancel last minute with a "referral" to another company that costs thousands more. They change their company name and use rental vehicles. Fly by night pieces of shit. I think is probably "traveller" crews.

We called Budget Van lines. Thought it was the same Budget as the rental car company. Apparently it is not. They just skim money off the top and send your business to a 3rd party who fucks you.
My Hero Forge came today... a little customized player for board games (such as Gloomhaven, etc).

Her name is Felina and she has cats, beer, and a winged meerkat. :nev:
BTW, these are not hand painted. They have a 3D 'inkjet' printer. Neat!

Yes, just moved in. Movers stole half our shit. What they didn't steal they broke or irreparably damaged. Family heirloom furniture.We have a bundle of broken table legs. They also highway robbed us. Said they were going to dump our shit on the street if we didn't pay them $3000 more. That brought the bill to nearly $6k. Our close on the condo was the next day and the storage place closed . This move was a 860sqjft condo and a small 1/3 filled storage unit. The arrangement also included 1 month of climate controlled storage in JAX while we looked for a place to live. They brought or shit to New Jersey in non climate controlled conditions. Took them 10 days to get it down here. We for grabbed by the pussy. In litigation now.

The $3000 thing ($2900) was picked up by the postman at the post offioe overhearing us when we went to get a money order. Said he sees it all the time. That was all they accepted. Or cash. Postman said any transactions under $3k (maybe, possibly not remembering the numbers right) were not raising redflags and additonal approval. Fucked in the ass with no lube.
Uh... Why didn't you call the police?
That movers shit almost happened to a friend of ours.

Moving from Philly to Birmingham.

Shit showed up way late, the moving company handed it off to one guy to deliver a whole bunch of shit. Dude said sometimes they sit on shit for 4 months.

Our friend threatened them with media coverage on Philly, that's what he does for work.

Gotta stick with insured van lines, that you can verify.
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