[Article] This is your MMS thread now! New rule: Only post your own content

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Well, not forever, but a few months breather after living out of bags and moving every few weeks for 10 months was ok. Reference, the kid had just finished a 4 year degree 2-3 weeks before going into AmeriCorps. She had scored a full-ride scholarship for said 4 year. She's never been a problem and didn't live here WHILE in college. So, 3 months in the 5+ years after she graduated HS. Torturous. :eek:

coming home to family after all of that is the only place she should be going. good dad!
i’d do the same without hesitation

i don’t even get how this was frowned upon here

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The UF Pure Judgement Zone.
Why yes I know it well.

were you here when the UFPJZ judge and jury’d me for running across the street to get my son a McDonald breakfast special while he slept at 6am?

orrr when i bought my son $100 winter boots that he outgrew 4 months later..

@yeppers good times

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were you here when the UFPJZ judge and jury’d me for running across the street to get my son a McDonald breakfast special while he slept at 6am?

orrr when i bought my son $100 winter boots that he outgrew 4 months later..

@yeppers good times

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Wow, that was around the time I started posting. Things were a lot different then. It was so crazy here then, some people here actually JCC was a good person. It was anarchy.
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Wow, that was around the time I started posting. Things were a lot different then. It was so crazy here then, some people here actually JCC was a good person. It was anarchy.

it was actually crazier then than it has ever been here with the ukelele crew

these aging bass players are tame compared to those days

but luckily JCC posted his own EAR AIDS results and he disappeared like a thief in the night

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I missed the end of JCC. Please amuse me with details. All i remember was bowling shoes.

Were you here when he anonymously sent a picture of his medical results to the MMS thread and blacked out his name but we were able to really see his name under the marker and it turns out he tested positive for ear aids

it was his forum suicide and it was hilarious

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Were you here when he anonymously sent a picture of his medical results to the MMS thread and blacked out his name but we were able to really see his name under the marker and it turns out he tested positive for ear aids

it was his forum suicide and it was hilarious

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What does ear aids mean? Explain how it became forum suicide.
it was actually crazier then than it has ever been here with the ukelele crew

these aging bass players are tame compared to those days

but luckily JCC posted his own EAR AIDS results and he disappeared like a thief in the night

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Waw was still here, Brony was mfing everyone in the poltical thread, you hated me, Liam liked me, Coqui was still posting, his wife was the original Elizabeth Warren claiming she was Latina because she was like 1/200 Latina, Thintoast hadn't lost his shit on your birthday yet...total fucking bizzaro world.
Waw was still here, Brony was mfing everyone in the poltical thread, you hated me, Liam liked me, Coqui was still posting, his wife was the original Elizabeth Warren claiming she was Latina because she was like 1/200 Latina, Thintoast hadn't lost his shit on your birthday yet...total fucking bizzaro world.
Why did I hate you? I can barely remember thintoast.
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