This is a title.


(retired?) Google-F.U.
Mar 5, 2005
There is no seperation of one day to the next. Everything has melted into one long, painful, experience.

Like your face.

I'm back. I never really left but don't feel like sorting that out. I lose interest, and believe me I have felt guilty about sorta dropping off the face of the earth. I've also been up like 3 days and thought it would be a perfect time to post. Unfortunately you all fail, so much, at having any topics I can just slide into.

For topics: A (hopefully original) theory for the moderation of creative user generated content in (on?) computer-mediated communication:

  1. Creative (or original) content is novel.
  2. Any content this has been submitted before is not novel, e.g. a kruzen.
  3. Most forms of CMC operate some kind of database.
  4. You can has scripts.

So you script a moderation system that compares all submitted content to the database and looks for similarities to previously saved material. Matches weighted by word frequency, keywords, mind-numbingly complicated decision trees in LISP! Submitted material of a certain weight is not allowed to be posted. :eek:

Impractical? Yes

But consider Dunbar's number, in the context of say how many new people [M] used to get. We had a noob forum, to haze people at one time. If you implemented something like the above, in a forum like the one that used to be here, you could keep 99% of the people on the internets from even getting a post off, AUTOMATICALLY.

Edit: Oh and dharma stopped IMing me. I mean like wtf?
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Ya just the other day I was like "I wonder what happened to that guy. You know, that dude...that one guy" and then I was like, "Dunno. Lets go get beer."
Then I drank beer, and it was glorious.
There was a nice steak in that story too, but Im not sure where to work it in so Ill just mention it here.
Several years ago I was working for the Scottish Clandestine Atomic, Radiological, and Energy Department of Environmental and Ethnic Concerns with Astronomical Transportation or SCAREDEECAT. SCAREDEECAT is one of the most powerful and secret covert ops organizations in all of Scotland. Their base of operations is in Minburn, Iowa. That’s how secret this organization is, they operate in IOWA for crying out loud. Anyway, we had been trying to track down this Russian mobster who was selling counterfeit ice cream wrappers on the black market, a crime punishable by 30 days in a county correctional institution, and a $45 fine, so a pretty serious crime. The trail had gone cold in Eugene, Oregon after we raided his mistresses’ house only to find that he had left just a few minutes earlier. THE CHEERIOS IN HIS BOWL WERE STILL CRUNCHY! That’s how closely we had come. After waving a candy bar in front of his mistresses’ face for a few minutes she eventually cracked under the pressure and gave up her lover’s bank account number. We seized his funds (all $328.64 that were there), but he had gotten away. For months we tried to pick up a new lead in a number of ways. My preferred method was to rough up grade-school kids who I found had eaten ice cream with the counterfeit wrapper. Nothing is more terrifying to a grade-school kid than a man who stands 5 feet, 6 inches tall who wears glasses and says “Not on my watch” a lot. Needless to say we got a lot of information out of them; who they liked, what their favorite color was, what they thought water tasted like, but it wasn’t until Octoberfest that we got our big break. Apparently the wrapper counterfeiter had bought a large consignment of titanium to produce a new batch of wrappers, and would be taking possession of it in Hong Kong that very week. My team jumped into action, flew to Hong Kong, and set up the sting. We blackmailed the man selling the titanium with some unpaid parking tickets that his teenage son had racked up, and then brought the counterfeiter to justice. It was a good day to see him behind bars for 4 hours before he was released on a $200 bail and told to show up at court the 6 months later.

Anyway, I like to tell this story whenever I hear about people facing adversity. I hope it inspires you to press on and go for the golden ring or whatever.
Hey there. I missed you. Nobody ever makes me angry the way you do, and sometimes I just need to be mad. Seriously though, I did miss you a lot. I didn't read very much of your original post because I got to a certain point and it no longer made sense to me and then I stopped caring. It's late and I have an episode of So You Think You Can Dance on DVR and a bag of popcorn waiting for me. I hope all is well in your life. I have no use for any of this year so far. Hopefully the rest of it will be better. Stick around, we'll try to post some good content. How can you not be interested in the bacon thread?