Food The Vegan Thread

I never tell anyone what they should be eating, except my patients. People seem to want to discuss my food constantly, however.

I meant that in a more general sense, not suggesting that you're assaulting people with spirulina.

The mere fact that some people choose to be vegan can make others feel uncomfortable because they wonder "am I making the wrong choice?"

Whether it's at the personal level of feeling one's choices challenged or at a larger level of being told that our society's addiction to meat is terrible for the environment the result is the same. No one likes being told they shouldn't be doing something they enjoy.
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We have sharp teeth for ripping into flesh and tearing into it.

We have flat teeth for eating vegetables.

We should be eating both. Some people choose to eat only one of them. And that's fine.
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vegan pro-tips:
daiya/cheeze usually tastes way better melted
tofurkey makes consistently delicious meat substitutes (the soyrizo is particularly delicious)
Amy's also make really, really good stuff and often has vegan or vegetarian options
most beef substitutes are not great because they obviously taste like not-beef and have an unbeefy texture, so it may take time to find one you like
Gardein makes really good meatless chicken and fish tenders, and their BBQ pork pockets are fucking DELICIOUS
As a rule of thumb, vegetables that pretend to be meat are usually terrible.

I bet it's a conspiracy by the meat companies. People will occasionally decide to go vegan, so make vegan food that they won't enjoy to lure them back into eating meat again.
Lol poor 4eyes. Yes my cousins do tease me about it, but in a good natured way. It's a few bitches at work that annoy the crap out of me. "Ewwwww, what are you eating? Have a burger, you are too skinny hahahaha."

Hmmm, what can we do to these bitches at work?
Let me see ... are you opposed to giving them Ex-lax laced cookies?
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Lol poor 4eyes. Yes my cousins do tease me about it, but in a good natured way. It's a few bitches at work that annoy the crap out of me. "Ewwwww, what are you eating? Have a burger, you are too skinny hahahaha."
My issue is the opposite. Vegetarians that eat that way under the guise of eating healthy, yet dose it in oils and eat simple carbs. They weigh more than me and have no muscle mass, but they eat healthier than I do?
My issue is the opposite. Vegetarians that eat that way under the guise of eating healthy, yet dose it in oils and eat simple carbs. They weigh more than me and have no muscle mass, but they eat healthier than I do?
I think this is the 'misapplied' healthy direction, just like people who say "I walk for 40 minutes a day and am not losing weight. Excuse me, I forgot to ask, can I get a large fries with that Bloomin Onion? It's my cheat day."

Cheating from what? NOT ordering fries???
I think this is the 'misapplied' healthy direction, just like people who say "I walk for 40 minutes a day and am not losing weight. Excuse me, I forgot to ask, can I get a large fries with that Bloomin Onion? It's my cheat day."

Cheating from what? NOT ordering fries???

l walk 40 minutes back and forth to the buffet table. I usually get a salad on the third trip.
As a rule of thumb, vegetables that pretend to be meat are usually terrible.

I bet it's a conspiracy by the meat companies. People will occasionally decide to go vegan, so make vegan food that they won't enjoy to lure them back into eating meat again.
yeah, generally anything trying to substitute for something else isn't going to be as good as the regular because if it was, THAT would be the regular. no joke, though, the Gardein chicken and fish tenders and pork pockets genuinely do not taste like meat substitutes
Creatine, D3, Carnosine, DHA.
I should have been clearer. You don't need to eat animal products to get needed nutrients, except B12.

D3: best source is sunshine on bare skin. DHA: your body makes it from Omega 3s, which are in walnuts, other nuts, flax seeds, winter squash, leafy greens, berries, melon, etc etc. Keeping the Omega 6s low and the 3s high is important in the manufacture of dha.

Carnosine is a strange one, as it is really two amino acids bound together. It is a dipeptide of the amino acids beta-alanine and histidine. They break apart upon digestion, and then the body puts them back together again for use in the brain and muscles, etc. The two amino acids are found in many plant foods, which must be how the cows make their carnosine, as well, for you to eat.

Creatine. I had to look this one up, because I know vegan lifters who take ,it as supplements. As far as I can see, our bodies make enough creatine for normal life, but I would supplement if I wanted to pick up heavy stuff all the time.
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We have sharp teeth for ripping into flesh and tearing into it.

We have flat teeth for eating vegetables.

We should be eating both. Some people choose to eat only one of them. And that's fine.

I should have been clearer. You don't need to eat animal products to get needed nutrients, except B12.

D3: best source is sunshine on bare skin. DHA: your body makes it from Omega 3s, which are in walnuts, other nuts, flax seeds, winter squash, leafy greens, berries, melon, etc etc. Keeping the Omega 6s low and the 3s high is important in the manufacture of dha.

Carnosine is a strange one, as it is really two amino acids bound together. It is a dipeptide of the amino acids beta-alanine and histidine. They break apart upon digestion, and then the body puts them back together again for use in the brain and muscles, etc. The two amino acids are found in many plant foods, which must be how the cows make their carnosine, as well, for you to eat.

Creatine. I had to look this one up, because I know vegan lifters who take ,it as supplements. As far as I can see, our bodies make enough creatine for normal life, but I would supplement if I wanted to pick up heavy stuff all the time.
I'm a little turned on after all that.
It will become a shit fest thread, I predict!

If you had just said protein powder and not vegan protein powder, likely no one would have dissed it. There is something about not eating meat, or even eating one vegan meal that draws the ire of people who do eat meat.

OK, animal protein has all the amino acids to make up a complete protein. With plant-based eating, combining proteins makes them complete. You don't have to combine them in the same meal, but in the same day is ideal. It is pretty easy tbh, as stuff like rice and beans is a complete protein. Whole grain bread and peanut butter. Etc etc. Most people on the standard American diet eat far more protein than they need in any case.

Vegan protein powders are usually pretty complete with the amino acids. I like the pea or hemp ones better than the soy, just easier on the digestion for me. I throw a scoop in my morning fruit smoothie.

There are successful athletes, including body builders, NFL players, MMA fighters, etc who are vegan. They need a lot more protein than your average bro, and they get it.

You will be eating meat anyway, so you will likely get plenty of complete protein without even thinking about it. :)
What about B vitamins? Do you take a supplement? Sub lingual? Whattttt?
I do wish I could understand why some people would cut out an entire class of food, essentially for fun. But, like most things, I also really don't care.
I do wish I could understand why some people would cut out an entire class of food, essentially for fun. But, like most things, I also really don't care.
It doesn't agree with me, like at all. I give up. Pork is probably the only thing that I have no ills effects from.
There is zero desire for meat, for me. Once I get away from the in-laws here (and cooking for them), I can finally be meat free & still cook for the man and child.
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