The F33nX Fundraises for Cancer Thread

Was it just as prevalent? It seems to have gotten worse just in my lifetime. :(
Screening has gotten better. There was an article I read, awhile ago that most cancer that is treated isnt necessarily terminal. They cant tell unless they wait though. The problem is, if it does spread, there's nothing anyone can do, and if you treat it agressively it makes you super sick.

Before antibiotics, there was a lot more to kill you than cancer. It was around, but it's a numbers game. These days, there is heart disease, and cancer, getting pneumonia isnt going to kill you.

Edit: This is sorta part of what I was thinking of. The way they choose what to treat and what not to treat depends on how agressive the individual doctor is.
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lol @ too wordy, wow, for such a scholar you sure do talk tons of shit on an internet forum. log off and teach some dumb kids to read, superstar!

I dunno, maybe if somebody taught you a thing or two you wouldn't be such a dumbass.

And I think this might be an ontopic thread, so maybe you should stick to it.

Ontopic: Donated some money F33nx :heart:
The cancer center I work at sponsors a Relay for Life here, so I donated to them.

Cancer detection and screening has gotten better, as has treatment. We understand so cancer so much better today than we did even 10 years ago. Some of the newer therapies show a lot of promise.

The earlier they can dectect a cancer, the more likely it will be you can cure it. However, there are some things you can do to prevent cancer, even if you are genetically predisposed. Eating a healthy diet that includes at least 26-30 grams of fiber a day is the best way to prevent colorectal cancer. Broccoli, Cauliflour (sp?) cabbage and the like are excellent counter toxins. Exercise, stop smoking (tobacco AND pot) filter water, etc. Small changes to your diet and lifestyle can go a long way to helping stave off cancer.

Women, do a daily breast exam while you shower. Even if you are young.

Sorry for such a long post
Thank you all for your encouragement and donations thus far :heart: And, if you've already given all you can to cancer research that's even more awesome in my opinion.
The Relay here is April 24th, but I'm sure the ACS won't mind if you would donate beyond that. However, if you'd like a shirt, I'm putting my deadline so I can make the shirts at April 20th.

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doublej's wife is going on like a 3 day thing, you're gonna have to offer up more than 24 hours.

instead of advertising on the t-shirt, for $10 will you go topless for an hour?

i've devoted my life to research, what the hell more do you want from me?

besides, running topless would hurt like a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch. i may be able to do something speshul tho if given permission :fly:
Is this race gonna be on like espn12 or something?
I wanna set the dvr
it would be awesome if it were! it's going to be on local news stuff, and they always have video archinves online, so i'll be able to post that once it comes and goes.

and, as an update, there's been a shirt requested! i don't have a requested hour(s), so if people want to add to this shirt for more prolonged exposure go ahead, and then let me know :)
The team captain of our relay team was impressed that I already have some outside donations (since the rest of our team is apparently either overworked or total slackers). Thanks guys! :) We're working on a fundraiser on campus too. Any suggestions?