NSFW SPAMALOT V. I Iz In Yur Target Stealin Yur Infos

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Who keeps a laptop that long though? It will be a doorstop by then.

My old one is running well with new software and it must be about 3.5 years old. I usually switch out at 2 years though it seems. Though this newer one of mine rocks and is light yet a larger screen. Still was cheaper than a Mac (not a fan of them either).
Why keep it so long when technology changes so quickly?

Who keeps a laptop that long though? It will be a doorstop by then.

Computers have been "fast enough" for some time now (for me, ever since the Core 2 with VT-x extensions). I'd still have my Core 2 duo macbook pro from '08, had there not been an unfortunate accident in '12.

My needs are not extravagant - I play some starcraft 2, run some debian VMs, and compile some code. Not difficult in the realm of processing power. I just need it to be reliable and not fall apart in 6 months.
My old one is running well with new software and it must be about 3.5 years old. I usually switch out at 2 years though it seems. Though this newer one of mine rocks and is light yet a larger screen. Still was cheaper than a Mac (not a fan of them either).

It's not a stretch that Ape's might last 2 years. The MBP would have to last 16. Doorstop.
Computers have been "fast enough" for some time now (for me, ever since the Core 2 with VT-x extensions). I'd still have my Core 2 duo macbook pro from '08, had there not been an unfortunate accident in '12.

My needs are not extravagant - I play some starcraft 2, run some debian VMs, and compile some code. Not difficult in the realm of processing power. I just need it to be reliable and not fall apart in 6 months.

I have a 17" MBP core duo from 08 as well. Never use it.
Why keep it so long when technology changes so quickly?

I get 1yr old technology for pennies, and keep it till it dies or my needs change & then get another one for pennies. Repeat.

Spend the difference between that and an MBP on hotels and alcohol.

edit: & I don't do any gaming. basic basic needs here. biz calulation crap & that's it besides surfing & email, & some photo editing.
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It's not a stretch that Ape's might last 2 years. The MBP would have to last 16. Doorstop.

I wasn't disagreeing - actually was saying I prefer to switch out every few years. Though I might get this one lasting 3-4 depending on how I feel.
It's not a stretch that Ape's might last 2 years. The MBP would have to last 16. Doorstop.

Now you're trying to justify your hyperbole? Please. I wouldn't buy a $3200 laptop (assuming she's still looking at the $400 HP). Mine was $2500.

I have a 17" MBP core duo from 08 as well. Never use it.

Congratulations, you've failed to make a valid point.

My kids still use Core 2 Duos - they power both their desktop machine (E8600), and their laptop (P8600). They both still run current OSs (windows 7 and OS X Mavericks), and get along just fine with an SSD and plenty of memory.
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