South Dakota

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whats this indoor plumbing of which you seek. Also, the animal I think SD would be best represented by would be which ever animal is the most lame at the moment. So the lamest animal. Lame.
whats this indoor plumbing of which you seek. Also, the animal I think SD would be best represented by would be which ever animal is the most lame at the moment. So the lamest animal. Lame.

like llama lame? How lame would a lame llama lame if a lame llama lame llama lamed?
New home stress fried your brain?

The home isn't stressful per se, we just had a long day yesterday moving and stuff. After closing we rented a Uhaul and moved in all of the heavy furniture and then brought the new dog home, and he pissed on my wall and shat on my white carpet in two different places, so I'm mostly tired.
The home isn't stressful per se, we just had a long day yesterday moving and stuff. After closing we rented a Uhaul and moved in all of the heavy furniture and then brought the new dog home, and he pissed on my wall and shat on my white carpet in two different places, so I'm mostly tired.
woah, new dog in a new house? you must be out of your mind.
I get bored just thinking about South Dakota.

That and North Dakota, Delaware, Iowa, and Oklahoma.
woah, new dog in a new house? you must be out of your mind.

Look at that face. How can you say no to that face!!!!

Easily once he lifts his leg and pisses on my wall, and then turns around and shits on the carpet TWICE ... each time just minutes after having been walked outside to go potty.
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