So whats the status on everyone?

Hello James,

This is regarding your media replacement request for Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit.

Thank you for your interest in the System Builder Component Replacement Program. We have received your request for Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit. At this time, part number: 66I-00752-DVD, is currently on back order. We expect to complete your replacement for order number: 1000022042 by 09/15/2007. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

If we may be of further assistance please feel free to contact us. Thank you for contacting Microsoft.



Seeing off a friend tonight. He's moving to Colorado to go to college there at an art institute. Saw off a friend moving to Hong Kong a few nights ago.

One of my classes is easy. The other is useful.

I bought this for Kim:


(Yes not terribly impressive I know :p )
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still at the same job. currently dealing with child drama from the courts and other crap. working on a long distance relationship that has yet to show fruition.

I'm reading more and moved to a new office. same job diffrent office.
Dan and I have been struggling with our new jobs. My job is stressful and his job is more stressful. We are working through it though. I am currently caring for my friend who set himself on fire while trying to cook some hash oil. I have put my plans to go back to school on hold until Dan and I are in a more stable financial situation. I can't wait to go to Chicago in October. My sister is having a baby in December and I'm gonna be an aunt for the first time in my life. I'm so excited I could explode.

It's good to hear how everyone else is doing.
Makes complete sense. I ran away from my mother into the arms of a shorter, more ill-tempered version of my mother.

I may have lost some funny in the transition, but at least i'm not on my way to Puerto Rico or an early grave.

I hope you're ready for a real huckleberry when I pull into Austin.
Dan and I have been struggling with our new jobs. My job is stressful and his job is more stressful. We are working through it though. I am currently caring for my friend who set himself on fire while trying to cook some hash oil. I have put my plans to go back to school on hold until Dan and I are in a more stable financial situation. I can't wait to go to Chicago in October. My sister is having a baby in December and I'm gonna be an aunt for the first time in my life. I'm so excited I could explode.

It's good to hear how everyone else is doing.

That sounds interesting, why would one cook hash oil?

Babies are exciting! My cousin had a little boy a little over a month ago so I am an aunt again (my cousins and I are really close so we decided its easier to call each others kids nieces and nephews rather than 2nd cousins and soo on). :)
I am doing absolutely wonderful. Besides sekratly adopting a dog and calling it a foster dog; I have stayed in school and plan to complete an accounting degree before Sarcasmo can figure out what a P&L is.

Currently in La Grange, Texas at my parents new house, which is near Austin. Going to my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary this Saturday. (Us *****'s know how to keep a relationship, geezus)

Fly and I have a house that we have fallen in love with, it has been so much fun (and a hobby!) to make it our own and hide dead babies in.

Next month I will start my orientation and training to volunteer at the local SPCA doing animal photographs and setting up their personal webpages.

I'm still in Cleveland because of some bathroom candles. I plan on leaving this wretched state at the earliest possible convenience.
hugh hefner still hasn't accepted my offer to take his place when he cashes out despite the billboard I put up next to his house and the million email campaign I launched
Dan and I have been struggling with our new jobs. My job is stressful and his job is more stressful. We are working through it though. I am currently caring for my friend who set himself on fire while trying to cook some hash oil. I have put my plans to go back to school on hold until Dan and I are in a more stable financial situation. I can't wait to go to Chicago in October. My sister is having a baby in December and I'm gonna be an aunt for the first time in my life. I'm so excited I could explode.

It's good to hear how everyone else is doing.
We are so excited you guys are going to be able to come in October!! :heart: :heart: :heart: