Small Dog Breeds

I had a Shih Tzu growing up and I think they're pretty cool.

Most dogs' coats will grow to a certain length and stop. A shih tzu's will not. So you can play with her hair :p If you google them you'll probably get a lot of mopdogs and suggestions that you have to brush them and stuff. It's not true, their hair grows about as fast as a normal human male, so you just have to take them to get a haircut/buy a clippers yourself every now and then. Or you also have the option to have a mopdog if you want, but in that case you will actually have to brush it.

They're nice and small, not overly vocal, and when they do bark they have a very very deep voice for their size. No "yappy" at all, they sound like a real dog. Very very social, they love to meet new people and play with them. Very easy to train. Usually pretty intelligent. They rarely have to be walked, they get enough exercise following you around and freaking out with joy when they get to meet someone new. It's a cool feeling when you walk into someone's house and their dog is excited to see you, and he fits well in your lap and responds to commands just to be accepted/petted.

Gets to maybe 10-12 pounds usually ... can hit 16 if you let them get fat :p
My cousin has a Shih-Tzu :lol:

Crazy little beast. It would attack anything being dragged across the floor. We used to get a mop and when she'd clamp on we'd drag her back and forth across the floor.

Small dogs are a no go here though. If ya'll knew how many times I've stepped on part of a dog sprawled across the floor...
SRC shot a dog today.

= Mikey
Just a pellet gun, several times.

Care to take bets on whether I could turn that into a thread Dysfunctional would turn into several pages?
Perhaps, if the people with paragraph posting powers pounce.

Look .. ok .. the dog keeps raping my Smiley ok .. it got what it derserves see :lol:. It shows up again I plan to blast it in the face (damn hairy ass dog, pellets don't do the job on the butt).

It was rather funny to see it squat down after a pellet would zap his ugly furry ass though. I got it like 5 or 6 times out of 8.

I told the owner the other day, that if he dug a hole and allowed my dog to escape one more time .. and she got ran over .. that I was gonna burn his house down. Since he refuses to contain his animal that keeps destroying my personal property, annoying the ever loving shit out of me, raping my dog (who obviously doesn't like his advances .. since she hollers like the devil when he grabs her) and causes me headaches.

Dog better be glad I just used a .177 lead pellet. I've already asked someone to borrow a 22 or similar. I have really good aim. The dog is toast if I get my hands on one.

*side note* same dog that killed one of my cats last year and took it home as a play toy. :mad:
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Look .. ok .. the dog keeps raping my Smiley ok .. it got what it derserves see :lol:. It shows up again I plan to blast it in the face (damn hairy ass dog, pellets don't do the job on the butt).

It was rather funny to see it squat down after a pellet would zap his ugly furry ass though. I got it like 5 or 6 times out of 8.

I told the owner the other day, that if he dug a hole and allowed my dog to escape one more time .. and she got ran over .. that I was gonna burn his house down. Since he refuses to contain his animal that keeps destroying my personal property, annoying the ever loving shit out of me, raping my dog (who obviously doesn't like his advances .. since she hollers like the devil when he grabs her).

Dog better be glad I just used a .177 lead pellet. I've already asked someone to borrow a 22 or similar. I have really good aim. The dog is toast if I get my hands on one.

*side note* same dog that killed one of my cats last year and took it home as a play toy. :mad:
Where the hell you live? Oh, AL...

I'd have capped it when it killed my cat. I've shot at the neighbor's dogs who try to bite my mother already round here. Goddamn white trash neighbors. Dont use a .22 though, it wont kill anything.

:lol: having fun .. if you spin counter clockwise, it messes you up quicker ;) .

Problem is I've never shot more than my pump rifle pellet gun before. And I live in a well populated area. My mom is flippin out at the thought of me murdering a neighbors pet (although, not much of a pet when they let it run amuck all over creation).

We dont have a leash law in my neighborhood though, and no animal control.

I'm about to go rambo on this bitch 4 reals. I couldn't even let her out to go potty today, cas mutt brain was out there. He's already the reason she can't have puppies.

The dog is going down .. soon.
Well... Nuisance animals are different than leash laws. Even where I live in the boonies the sheriff will write tickets for problem animals. Just need to pick a route namely going to shoot it/put it down yourself or call the cops. I dont condone causing anything pain, it's not the dog's fault that his owners never trained it, so no rat poison or antifreeze.

Don't be a bitch, you can totally play the "Im just a poor single woman who cant handle anything" card. Of course don't overdo it. If the dog is running amok it shouldnt be hard to pull off having them there at the same time it's loose.

If all else fails go down to the post office and the owner's mail redirected. Have a plumber come to his house... I got the trailer across the road condemmed because they were annoying me!

Feel the hate...

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I live in a nice neighborhood :lol:

The cops told me I had the right to shoot it if it came in my yard causing problems, since they won't come out (no leash law = no problems with the dogs running around. No animal control = no one is gonna do squat about it.).

I'd never poison a dog . heck I buy the low tox antifreeze :lol:
There's an apartment building with boarded up windows across the street, a small group of children playing with dice at the corner. And your mom asked me if I could front her the money for an eight ball (I don't know what that is).