GAY Regarding Crazy Bald Irish Chicks...

Ahh how I wish to be married to a read head crazy Irish chick who is a raging alcoholic like myself who also like cats.

Well, not married, but as a lover.

Not that crazy but cute crazy.

Not really an alcoholic but who enjoys the occasional beer, vodka, scotch etc.

Likes cats is a must though.

Anyways, all I can say about the OP is fuck facebook and fuck social media. I despise that stuff. Fuck Sinead o Connor too.

I'd say fuck Prince too so that he won't feel left out but we don't talk behind the dead. RIP Prince is all I have to say.

And, finally, fuck you too @nukes .

Hey @Darth Handsome guess what, FUCK YOU TOO BUDDY, EHH?!!!
I can't picture Prince chasing O'Connor around in any threatening manner. Couldn't she have just stiff-armed him to the forehead and let him swing away till he tuckered himself out?
This is a fishy story.
There's something vaguely Cotton Hill about her these days:
