Food Real life mysteries you would like explained.

I've never understood the whole sterilizing thing in humans. Our biological attraction to each other centers around procreation of the species and rearing of young, just like any other animal. Take that away and all it amounts to is mutual masturbation. Fun, occasionally, but not worth all the crap that comes with it. It's a hell of a lot more "enthusiastic", shall we say, when there's that chance.
Yes, but that biological attraction is shitting up our planet. Nature setup our birthrates based around an understanding that a million years ago, like 10% of us would live long enough to fuck another human.

So sterilization is a good thing.
Curios perspective, since a lot of modern knowledge is based on things learned from people who practiced religion.

People with intelligence know that blanket statements are not intelligent.
For hundreds of years, Christians and Muslims led the world on science. Now, many in those religions are actually holding us back.
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MH 370

TWA 800

Earhart's disappearance.

Tesla's papers, ideas, etc.


Anything/everything E.T./are we the only ones, living on this little anthill, in this huge vastness.

Bigfoot/sasquatch/yeti/abominable snowman/Jersey devil/Mothman...all that stuff.

What became of the Ark of the Covenant.

Alternate/parallel dimensions/realities.

Why does bottled water cost more than ice tea, Coca-Cola, milk, and gasoline.

If dogs could talk back, what would they say.

Who shot the deputy.

Were they that vain and did they really think that song was about them.

Meaning of life/life after death/God/etc.

People's "6th sense". Aka Spidey sense, vibes, the thing we know is there but choose to ignore.


Etc., Etc., Etc.
How about the real identity of Jack the Ripper?
Yeah, that's it. It can't be anything else. Not at all. The Oz is always right, is always the victim, and never says anything that could be considered fantastical bullshit.
Victim of what? Man you can stop making up bullshit. You'd think with God on your side you'd be a little more competent.
Gulf of Tonkin

Operation Northwoods

Pedo Island

Why are chicken tenders crunchy.

Why has no French chef I've ever seen made French fries.

Why does pate look like baby shit

Minnesota Iceman