whoa there stalker...

UFC pits man vs. man in pure competition, something no other sport manages to do. the guys are highly skilled, trained in all different styles of fighting, in peak physhical condition, and work their asses off 365 days a year to maintain their skill levels. they enter the octogon on their own, they dont have a team to bail them out, and they put everything on the line when they do so. i particularly like the ufc becuase, even if there is trash talking beforehand (its rare), they almost always show each other respect after the match is done becuase they know what each other has been through to get there. there's really no other sport that compares in terms of raw competition.

don't get me wrong, i find football to be more entertaining, but there's still nothing quite like what the UFC has to offer.

so, whats your first name?


Thanks, pretty comprehensive answer! (if a bit ghey..)
I'll answer. OVerall, prolly about a 9. Not where I thought I'd be, but then again I was sure I could make it being lazy and not having a college degree.

What do you do for a living?


I have to answer your question though, not the one Chicken Noodul asked me.

Sadly the answer is very boring: I'm an accountant. :(
Hmmm well first ever proper relationship - I was 16, it lasted 2 years and I am no longer in touch with him.

Now I've answered properly I'll refer to Chikken's question.

Why are you really here?

Well, partly because I'm genuinely quite bored at work and am fed up of trolling...sorry, posting elsewhere.

But the reason I started posting here the other day is because Kiki sent me a message on facebook. previously I didn't want to post here for certain reasons.

Well, partly because I'm genuinely quite bored at work and am fed up of trolling...sorry, posting elsewhere.

But the reason I started posting here the other day is because Kiki sent me a message on facebook. previously I didn't want to post here for certain reasons.


'certain reasons'? Talk about not directly answering the question...