Ontopic Poo-litical Thrad

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you're really bad at dictionaries eh

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Some fucking idiot on one of Ladybutt's shows was trying to make the argument that just having the argument as to whether or not they are concentration camps meant that "we had won" and the question didn't need to be answered.

That's not the reason they were a fucking idiot, but it didn't help matters.
Some fucking idiot on one of Ladybutt's shows was trying to make the argument that just having the argument as to whether or not they are concentration camps meant that "we had won" and the question didn't need to be answered.

That's not the reason they were a fucking idiot, but it didn't help matters.

We can't all be experts. Some of us are just laymen.
There is no agreement on terminology because the terminology indicates a big difference in ideology. IT's one thing to detain someone trying to enter your country. IT's quite another to round up people who have been allowed and accepted and put them in a camp, "concentrating" them for control and abuse purposes. In either case the camps suck but I can see them being needed for those being caught trying to enter. I'd personally give those that have been here more than a few months a pass - after a good background check.
I think we should be treating them as good as possible in either type of camp. I don't like the conditions, starting with the kids and parents being seperated.
1.) no there's disagreement on the terminology because some people are trying to add modifiers to find any way avoid calling them concentration camps - that's the only reason for literally inventing criteria that isn't and has never been part of the definition
b.) "being caught trying to enter" is a funny way of describing people who cross the border at a port of entry and declare that they are seeking asylum, which is literally and legally the correct way to do it & which makes up a great portion of those detained
III.) do you not think the folks at the border are being contained for control and abuse purposes? do you really believe that conditions are the way they are, and which you agree are bad, for some other reason? do you not recognize that they're using these inhumane conditions as a deterrent? or are you really just trying to argue that the most important thing to argue, the crux of this issue, the hill to die on, is that we shouldn't call them that which they by definition are because of some nonsense criteria you've imagined?
@Maureen you were asking several pages back about I think justifying people not cooperating with the "authorities" (ICE, CBP, cops, etc) when you know you or they have broken the law. I wanted to make sure to bring up civil disobedience - one form of "protest," besides demonstrations (what has now largely become toothless "marches" but which used to act as a literal demonstration of numbers & power) is civil disobedience, which can include a refusal to comply with laws that are unjust (or in the case of immigration, one COULD think the letter of the law was just but not the way the law is being carried out via a vis the conditions in these camps).

could you comply & rat out the lady next door with 3 kids whose only "crime" was the nonviolent act of entering the country if you know that doing so will not achieve any actual "justice" but land them in these camps, separated, sleeping on cold concrete floors & denied access to things required for even the most basic hygiene care indefinitely?
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There is no agreement on terminology because the terminology indicates a big difference in ideology. IT's one thing to detain someone trying to enter your country. IT's quite another to round up people who have been allowed and accepted and put them in a camp, "concentrating" them for control and abuse purposes. In either case the camps suck but I can see them being needed for those being caught trying to enter. I'd personally give those that have been here more than a few months a pass - after a good background check.
I think we should be treating them as good as possible in either type of camp. I don't like the conditions, starting with the kids and parents being seperated.
Counterpoint: they're concentration camps.
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It's pointless, nukes. A lot of these folks don't really care about illegal aliens or their kids outside of using them as political tools.

Was only a few short years ago we were also jailing them by the thousands and at that time deporting more "brown people" than at any other time in the history of this country. That record still stands.
Yet there was no outrage then. No cries of racism and fascism. No 24-hour news loops of "concentration camps" and crying babies.
I'd venture to say you could dig back through political threads on this very site and not find anywhere near this level of complaining or giving it this level of attention at all.

The difference? There was a black man in the white house with a D next to his name and for some that makes it all OK.

It's not about immigrants, it's about Trump. The immigrants are just a tool and as soon as someone from "their team" gains power again that tool is going back in the box and staying there.

Keep that in mind as they continue to chant their holier-than-thou slogans and tweet their self-righteous tweets.

They're not interested in solutions, they just live for the protest. Screaming "nazi" makes them feel good about themselves and that's all that matters. It's not and never was about the plight of the illegal alien.
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It's pointless, nukes. A lot of these folks don't really care about illegal aliens or their kids outside of using them as political tools.
and your argument is... you do? or ???

Was only a few short years ago we were also jailing them by the thousands and at that time deporting more "brown people" than at any other time in the history of this country. That record still stands.
Yet there was no outrage then. No cries of racism and fascism. No 24-hour news loops of "concentration camps" and crying babies.
I'd venture to say you could dig back through political threads on this very site and not find anywhere near this level of complaining or giving it this level of attention at all.

The difference? There was a black man in the white house with a D next to his name and for some that makes it all OK.
or is there maybe a difference in the conditions of these camps as well as how long folks are detained, how families are being separated, etc (hint: yes. there is.)

It's not about immigrants, it's about Trump. The immigrants are just a tool and as soon as someone from "their team" gains power again that tool is going back in the box and staying there.
it's about human beings you fucking walnut, and if. you still think I consider Obama or dems as "my team" at this point idk what to tell you because you are clearly intellectually disabled and I lack the skills and resources to teach you how to read.

Keep that in mind as they continue to chant their holier-than-thou slogans and tweet their self-righteous tweets.

They're not interested in solutions, they just live for the protest. Screaming "nazi" makes them feel good about themselves and that's all that matters. It's not and never was about the plight of the illegal alien.
what solutions are you offering? and how can I be expected to even propose a solution when y'all are so hellbent on denying a problem exists in the first place?
me: they're concentration camps & something should be done about it
you, an intellectual: simultaneously arguing that <they aren't> and also <they are but it's Obama's fault>
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you: you're not offering any solutions!
you: also not offering any solutions, denying a problem exists

you: you're just pointing fingers!
also you: pointing fingers elsewhere, still not offering a solution or admitting a problem exists
also I haven't called anyone a Nazi.
I referenced Godwin IN RESPONSE to someone else invoking his law, wrongly.
I posted an excerpt from a piece of writing about the conditions of Nazi Germany with regards to the incremental acceptance of atrocities; that the parallels between then and now are undeniable is not my doing & I'm not here to make anyone feel better if the truth upsets them
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& even if I were aligned with dems, which, I don't know how much more plainly I can state that I am not, nor can you find a shred of evidence that I am, but supposing it were the case just to play this out,

it does not change the fact that the conditions that exist *right now* are not OK & need to be changed, nor does it make BUT MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM HE DID IT, TOO a valid argument against that
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and your argument is... you do? or ???

or is there maybe a difference in the conditions of these camps as well as how long folks are detained, how families are being separated, etc (hint: yes. there is.)

it's about human beings you fucking walnut, and if. you still think I consider Obama or dems as "my team" at this point idk what to tell you because you are clearly intellectually disabled and I lack the skills and resources to teach you how to read.

what solutions are you offering? and how can I be expected to even propose a solution when y'all are so hellbent on denying a problem exists in the first place?
me: they're concentration camps & something should be done about it
you, an intellectual: simultaneously arguing that <they aren't> and also <they are but it's Obama's fault>
you: you're not offering any solutions!
you: also not offering any solutions, denying a problem exists

you: you're just pointing fingers!
also you: pointing fingers elsewhere, still not offering a solution or admitting a problem exists
also I haven't called anyone a Nazi.
I referenced Godwin IN RESPONSE to someone else invoking his law, wrongly.
I posted an excerpt from a piece of writing about the conditions of Nazi Germany with regards to the incremental acceptance of atrocities; that the parallels between then and now are undeniable is not my doing & I'm not here to make anyone feel better if the truth upsets them
& even if I were aligned with dems, which, I don't know how much more plainly I can state that I am not, nor can you find a shred of evidence that I am, but supposing it were the case just to play this out,

it does not change the fact that the conditions that exist *right now* are not OK & need to be changed, nor does it make BUT MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM HE DID IT, TOO a valid argument against that

if you think I'm "self-righteous" because I find this fucking appalling, maybe you should try to find some righteousness within yourself
"The Trump administration announced its zero tolerance policy in April [2018]. Adults crossing between border checkpoints are criminally charged, and children traveling with them are separated and placed in temporary shelters. Prior to zero tolerance, children and parents were kept together in ICE detention facilities for a maximum of 20 days before they were released with ankle monitors to await their court hearing."

hey, if you can't bring yourself to care about the conditions these human beings are being subjected to, maybe you could at least try to be consistent in opposing the increased cost to taxpayers under this administration
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