Ontopic Poo-litical Thrad

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Jail time and confiscation of ill-gotten gains needed, please.

I was thinking about that last night. Here its illegal to profit off of gas in an emergency situation, such as a hurricane.
I wonder how broadly that law is written.
Harris Teeter was devoid of almost all not frozen protein.

But the Impossible fake shit was untouched :lol:
Bread aisle was completely empty, except for gluten-free and tortillas. Found some Beefsteak rye in it's own little cardboard display thing in a separate section of the store.

Folks, I'm just tryna make sandwiches for lunch.
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Bread aisle was completely empty, except for gluten-free and tortillas. Found some Beefsteak rye in it's own little cardboard display thing in a separate section of the store.

Folks, I'm just tryna make sandwiches for lunch.
Same here on the bread - I too got Beefsteak Rye, was all that was left but some expensive cinnamon bread(kind regretting not snagging that). No lettuce to be had, no tomatoes. I wanted sammichs too -I was able to secure 2 cucumbers to slice and put on them. That will have to suffice in these trying times.
I got a big sack of flour, 5 pounds of butter and a second jar of breadmaker yeast. Oh, and a bunch of PB and J.

I'm good for the next month if I get trapped in the house.

Had to buy a $17, 12-pack of 3-ply name brand toilet paper tissue because all the cheap stuff was cleared out, and I needed more anyway. Wiping my ass with expensive TP just doesn't seem right.
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