Ontopic Political Poo Flinging

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People used to hate Bush just as rabidly as they do Trump now.
Nah. Social media is much more prevalent now than it ever was when Bush was in office. Back when Bush was president most people didn't shield their politics behind a screen. Plus he got that boost of "American unity" from 9/11. He may not be any better than Trump, but I think Trump has him on the more hated.
Nah. Social media is much more prevalent now than it ever was when Bush was in office. Back when Bush was president most people didn't shield their politics behind a screen. Plus he got that boost of "American unity" from 9/11. He may not be any better than Trump, but I think Trump has him on the more hated.

D'OOD even I had the internet during the bush era. That initial unity only lasted a couple few months. The rest of the time people were basically calling for his head.
D'OOD even I had the internet during the bush era. That initial unity only lasted a couple few months. The rest of the time people were basically calling for his head.
Lots of people had the internet. The internet is not social media. You're a forum junkie so you probably communicated online much much more than the average person. Facebook was just a babe at the end of his presidency, before everybody and their grandma had it. And MySpace was nothing like what Facebook has been politically.
Lots of people had the internet. The internet is not social media. You're a forum junkie so you probably communicated online much much more than the average person. Facebook was just a babe at the end of his presidency, before everybody and their grandma had it. And MySpace was nothing like what Facebook has been politically.

Yes there were lots of forums. Pretty sure everyone got a few hundred thousand emails from their grandma too. Facebook and Twitter ain't the only "social media". I don't do those now, yet there still seems to be an endless supply of political shit flying around without them.
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No, socialism is "everyone pays their fair share into the government pot, government provides services to the public out of the pot", not "free shit for all"

Like, Canadian health care isn't free... I pay for it out of my taxes, and since I'm above the average national income, I pay more than most people into it. And I'm perfectly cool with that - it's there if I need it (and I've needed it) and there's a great satisfying piece of mind associated with knowing I'm not gonna get fucked with a medical bill if something horrible happens to me. There's no "well fuck I got cancer, do I decide between emptying my bank account to get treated and live the rest of my life in economic misery, or drop dead in X months because that way my kids might have a chance at college?" - you get your referral and get your shit taken care of and don't think twice about it.

I'd even argue it's more efficient and cheaper, because you don't have numerous layers of private hospitals, health insurance companies, etc... all taking their profit share and sharing that profit largely with a small group of rich assholes, adding more to the constant bleed of money from the middle class to the upper class that you can't deny is going on worldwide.

And I'm not exactly advocating for full scale USSR style commie socialism that sounds like a fairy tale but turns out miserable. I'm happy with how Canada's going, and the the Nordic countries, Germany etc have a pretty good thing going too and are kicking ass economically.
You drop dead waiting for treatment
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Yes there were lots of forums. Pretty sure everyone got a few hundred thousand emails from their grandma too. Facebook and Twitter ain't the only "social media". I don't do those now, yet there still seems to be an endless supply of political shit flying around without them.
Forums and email are not what is considered social media. And neither held any kind of political significance in the way Twitter and Facebook do today.

But yeah I guess I do have a short memory. I forgot all about Bush posting on Twitter every ten minutes and getting thousands of those dagnum electronic hate messages.
Is everybody here too young to remember all the hate bush got?
Geez man the only reason he wasn't assassinated is because Cheney would've been next and he's some sort of unkillable bionic man.
this just in:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, speaking from the floor, said President Trump will sign the spending bill, but also indicated that he would be issuing a national emergency declaration.​
McConnell said a vote should happen shortly.​
Here's what McConnell said:
"I've just had an opportunity to speak with President Trump, and he would, I would say to all my colleagues, has indicated that he's prepared to sign the bill. He will also be issuing a national emergency declaration at the same time. And I've indicated to him that I'm going to prepare -- I'm going to support the national emergency declaration. So for all of my colleagues, the President will sign the bill. We'll be voting on it shortly."​
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