Pics PicSpam 2017 - The Blurry Album

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Yeah. I don't understand the logic of wanting to be male but also wanting to bear children. That sounds like there is something not quite committed to your decision.

there's an argument against associating womanhood with motherhood, as far as I know only the seahorses are the lucky ones

but you have to remember when it comes to all these things it's not about logic. logic doesn't matter when your brain chemistry says something. it can be incredibly difficult for someone to fight against what feels natural in order to fit into the boxes language and society have established
there's an argument against associating womanhood with motherhood, as far as I know only the seahorses are the lucky ones

but you have to remember when it comes to all these things it's not about logic. logic doesn't matter when your brain chemistry says something. it can be incredibly difficult for someone to fight against what feels natural in order to fit into the boxes language and society have established

Well, there you go again :lol:

If your brain chemistry is telling you that you're a man, and you present yourself as a man, act like a man, and outwardly think like a man, and you want everyone to associate you as a male, but then you want to use your lady parts to bear a child, a very un-manlike thing, then there is a bigger issue going on inside that head. It's an issue that really should be resolved before bringing a kid into the equation.
  • Gravy
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There is a lot of psychological counselling that goes along with transitioning. If the counsellor promotes a F 2 M T to also embrace motherhood, then that counsellor is doing a major disservice to their patient.
then there is a bigger issue going on inside that head. It's an issue that really should be resolved before bringing a kid into the equation.

which is exactly what I fucking said

you said you didn't understand the logic. I'm explaining to you that people aren't making a "logical" decision to feel this way.
nom nom nom

Was born a female, has been transitioning to male for awhile, had hormones and had a double mastectomy, uses male name and pronoun. He stopped the hormones when he wanted to get pregnant,and now is re-starting the transition. Baby is fine and healthy.
:lol: no I was just dumb and thought that by saying "delivered" you meant the individual in question was the doctor who performed the delivery on another transgender person and I got all sorts of confuzzled
  • Gravy
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Well to be fair, it isn't that cut and dried. Some people have broken Xs and weird Xs.
For 99.9999999% of the population, it IS that cut and dried. So changing the entirety of society for the <1%ers seems silly. And funny since it's the same generation who bitches about the Wall Street 1%ers.
For 99.9999999% of the population, it IS that cut and dried. So changing the entirety of society for the <1%ers seems silly. And funny since it's the same generation who bitches about the Wall Street 1%ers.

who is asking for society to be changed? saying that you'd prefer to a different set of pronouns isn't changing society

and how are you going to equate being transgender to wall street? people aren't born hedge fund managers, being rich isn't a potentially debilitating condition
  • Gravy
Reactions: Jehannum and august
who is asking for society to be changed? saying that you'd prefer to a different set of pronouns isn't changing society

and how are you going to equate being transgender to wall street? people aren't born hedge fund managers, being rich isn't a potentially debilitating condition
If you missed it, don't worry about it boo.
For 99.9999999% of the population, it IS that cut and dried. So changing the entirety of society for the <1%ers seems silly. And funny since it's the same generation who bitches about the Wall Street 1%ers.
You're multiple orders of magnitude off.

How many times must you be wrong before you begin questioning what you know?

I don't know that XXY people are "not any of the people we're talking about," but I'm certain that you don't either.
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