Halp Official Tard-O-Matic Political Derpy Thread

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It has been said, though. Over and over and over.

Edit: And the worst part is that you know he's a troll and you still discuss it with him as if he were a rational person. That's the only reason he does it. That's the only reason he posts at all. Someone who genuinely believes that because they're getting lied to? Discuss it. A troll? Fuck 'em.

Don't feed the troll
You feed it more than ANYONE!!! :lol:
I gasped, like anyone would for a headline like that

Well I would hope people see that headline and just roll their eyes instead of considering for a moment that it might be true.

"Planned Parenthood tricks women into abortions by telling them they're getting a free vajazzling!"

Stuff like this image... so misleading and bad reporting:


Abortions are expensive - no one should be surprised if it's the majority of fees.

Wickie, use your critical thinking skills.

And also because abortions have to be paid in full by the patient while all other services they offer can be subsidized by Medicaid or Medicare
Aww... The yeppers thinks it has a point.
How cuet.
Every time that guy posts, you're there raging. Feeding his fire. A few weeks ago you were raging, trying to get him banned from the thread... more fuel on the fire. Wickster responded by posting more. Hey @King Wickie, who do get the most responses from in this thread? I'm willing to bet Asa. Dude, you're everything you've accused others of being in this thread this morning.

Every time that guy posts, you're there raging. Feeding his fire. A few weeks ago you were raging, trying to get him banned from the thread... more fuel on the fire. Wickster responded by posting more. Hey @King Wickie, who do get the most responses from in this thread? I'm willing to bet Asa. Dude, you're everything you've accused others of being in this thread this morning.

The entire forum would be considerably more tranquil if nobody posted anything.

That's all I ever take away from your "everybody's terrible, you can't judge me" posts.
I never told angry Florida man not to post. Just pointing out his hypocrisy. Again.
No but you do constantly bitch and moan about what other people choose to post just like he does.

You're not better than anyone here yet that's the implication every time you complain about the discussions or arguments going on.

Instead of contributing or staying out of it you post cripple fight again as if you're above such petty squabbling. You judge everyone else as if you're the only one not in the bubble.
Naw, I'm off to the store. Bottled water is on sale today.
Are you aware of how many trillions of dollars we've spent, as a species, to ensure that the water delivered to every tap in the country via underground pipes is clean and potable?

Just saying you should consider that investment before you pay someone for the privilege of increasing your carbon footprint just so you have it in a handy-dandy container.
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