Halp Official Tard-O-Matic Political Derpy Thread

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Again, dude. No clue what you're talking about, or why you're talking about it. Is this some personal ax to grind or something?

Only reason I mentioned intent was to ensure I was correct in describing the level of criminality of the act of trespassing.

As for your idea that intent is mind reading, not really. Its fairly well spelled out in law.

Somebody walks up on your property do you know what their "intent" is? They could be wanting to sell you girl scout cookies or invite you to their church, or make an offer on your car or offer lawn service. They could be casing your house to see what you have worth stealing (not likely but it happens), or they could be looking for the potluck dinner across the street and got turned around.

Point is, nobody knows somebody else's "intent", though the law claims they do.
Somebody walks up on your property do you know what their "intent" is? They could be wanting to sell you girl scout cookies or invite you to their church, or make an offer on your car or offer lawn service. They could be casing your house to see what you have worth stealing (not likely but it happens), or they could be looking for the potluck dinner across the street and got turned around.

Point is, nobody knows somebody else's "intent", though the law claims they do.
....yeah, you're being dumb.
you know what doesn't matter? your opinion on the law because you have neither the knowledge, credentials, experience, or backbone to actually challenge how it works

Nice deflection. Combined with a personal attack that qualifies you as a tried and true crayon eater.

Now, for the adults in the room, can any of you describe how you know "intent"?
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Did you ask them and believed their answer? Did you get some cue based on their mannerisms? Did you read their mind?

Do tell.
Neat! Your copy pasta skills meet the criteria for spreading liberty at the behest of Uncle Sugar.

Although you still haven't described how one individual could possibly know another individual's intent.

But don't mind that.

I just gave you access to an introduction on criminal law chapter regarding intent, what it means, how it's established, and what the limits are

but just like the rest of your generation you're too fucking lazy to do any work yourself, you need everything handed to you in a nice neat package
For some reason I have to be the one to make up for the failures of your parents, teachers, and NCOs since it seems none of them took the time to teach you any personal responsibility. Why should you be held responsible for your lack of knowledge? It's everyone else's job to provide you with information so you don't have to expend any effort to think for yourself.
For some reason I have to be the one to make up for the failures of your parents, teachers, and NCOs since it seems none of them took the time to teach you any personal responsibility. Why should you be held responsible for your lack of knowledge? It's everyone else's job to provide you with information so you don't have to expend any effort to think for yourself.

That's cute and all but you still haven't articulated how you could know someone else's intent. Seer? Mind reader? Biological alchemist? Medium?

Or are you just making assumptions?
Why in the hell can't any of you explain to me how you know someone else's "intent"? Why is that so difficult?

I've seen everything from a one-off "what" to paragraphs full of demeaning personal insults but no explanation of why.

I literally provided you with the introductory text into understanding the very question you're asking. You are not capable of understanding the answer to your own questions until you've bothered to read the basics of what that word means in the context of the law.

You're getting angry because you're too thick headed to recognize information when it's put in front of you.
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