Advice Obvious troll thread, dont bother

careful out there, my single bros
Single? Because marriage or a relationship is a "get out of rape" free card?

Go on...
Neal’s girlfriend texted him: ‘I’ve been running around all day talking to so many people, trying to make things right!!! One of the other Athletic Training students screwed me over! … She went behind my back and told my AT advisor stuff that wasn’t true!!! I’m trying so hard to fix it all. I want to tell you what’s going on. Please!”

sounds like a relationship
correct....and he didn't rape her

I agree, but it seems being in a relationship doesn't get you out of it according to this article.

Like, I have the title to this car and it's in my name. I own it. Here. Here's the title. Here's my name. It's me. Officer: yeah, but this guy over hear says it's his so YOU have to prove it in court that you're not a thief.
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Reactions: Hoff Kinkmeister
Didnt see the first shark for a half an hour. Tiger. Thirteen footer. You know how you know that when youre in the water, Chief? You tell by lookin from the dorsal to the tail.
What we didnt know was that our bomb mission was so secret, no distress signal had been sent.
Apocalypse my ass! This isn't the end of the world! Gods, they're not angry with us, the aliens aren't coming down! It's the government! With a big capital "G"! They're behind EVERYTHING! They know what we buy, they know what we eat, were we go to the bathroom. They know what kind of CHEESE I like... Pepper jack.