Hawt NFL Deserves Its Own Thread - THIS ONE

So, Jeff Fisher, he who has 3rd place all locked up for most losses by a head coach, and who fields a team whose offense is so predictable that I can understand it, is reportedly getting a three year contract extension.

9 more losses and he be the coach with the most career losses in the history of the league.

Also, his former GM for the Oilers/Titans came right out and said Fisher can evaluate talent to save his life.
That didn't even remotely answer the question.

Numerous veterans have flat out said they support what and how it is being done. They aren't disrespected in their eyes. Why do you think they should feel disrespected?
You're exactly right. These idiots here crying over it are plastic patriots. The players are protesting in a way that doesn't affect the anyone but immature jerk offs who wouldn't know hypocrisy if it bit them on the ass.