look 4 me on tv 2nite!

Candy said:
sh*t! Delete Delete!!!

Kevlar: Please don't take offense to my comment - It just looks a little odd to see a women standing on a toilet seat holding a plunger to me. Call me old-fashioned.
Don't worry, its Kristchan on the toilet on the cover. Kevlar's just "Ms. September".
Candy said:

I have now seen everything.

The "covergirl" is holding a toilet plunger! WTF???????

Actually, some of these pics look like they were professionally done; others, well, I don't want to throw stones from my glass house so I'll leave out my comments about those.


theac, kristchan posted here?? :confused:
Candy said:
SHIT! Delete Delete!!!

Kevlar: Please don't take offense to my comment - It just looks a little odd to see a women standing on a toilet seat holding a plunger to me. Call me old-fashioned.

:lol: no worries, nothing to take offense to, silly. :heart: I love that pic of Kris, it kills me when I see it. As for my pic, I just put a collage of pics together that represented some of the things I've posted and Kudra asked me if I wanted to help, so I did.
why_ask_why said:
unfortunately, any kind of antics are a sure fire way to be dropped from future consideration for these tix :(

Well then when the camera looks your way wave and smile then :drool:
Kevlar said:
:lol: no worries, nothing to take offense to, silly. :heart: I love that pic of Kris, it kills me when I see it. As for my pic, I just put a collage of pics together that represented some of the things I've posted and Kudra asked me if I wanted to help, so I did.

God bless you all. I wish we had the balls to do that around here. It looks like it was alot of fun - did you all just submit your own pics and then someone put it together or was there a joint effort?

I'll bet she's a good time to hang out with! (Covergirl) Anyone who has balls that big must be.
Thorn Bird said:

I'm waiting to hear from two other chicks still...if you weren't married I'd let you earn a ticket though :hi2u:

I'm giving them another 90 minutes and then bringing my boss if I don't hear from them...a little apple polishing never hurt :)
why_ask_why said:
I'm waiting to hear from two other chicks still...if you weren't married I'd let you earn a ticket though :hi2u:

I'm giving them another 90 minutes and then bringing my boss if I don't hear from them...a little apple polishing never hurt :)

:'( can i let spange earn it for me???
Candy said:
God bless you all. I wish we had the balls to do that around here. It looks like it was alot of fun - did you all just submit your own pics and then someone put it together or was there a joint effort?

I'll bet she's a good time to hang out with! (Covergirl) Anyone who has balls that big must be.

As far as I know we submitted our own pics. I made my layout and I think DM and Kudra had to format some others. It hasn't been without the usual hate though, but that was to be expected. Since when has any of us posted pics and not gotten it :lol:
awwwww yeahhhhh...got a very cute blonde chick going with me :happy:
she's from S Africa and is a total blast :cool:
why_ask_why said:
awwwww yeahhhhh...got a very cute blonde chick going with me :happy:
she's from S Africa and is a total blast :cool:

Oh God, you know what that means...drunken soapbox speeches about apartheid.
why_ask_why said:
I keep a crate of them in the trunk of the vette at all times :boobies:

I love you man.
