look 4 me on tv 2nite!

why_ask_why said:
I get off work at 6 and the game starts at 7 so I'll still be in work attire(sans tie)...there is no point leaving to get a change of clothes when the philips arena is attached to CNN Center and it would be an hour drive just to change..I'm just going to hit up the bar downstairs before the game and chill

Make some kind of sign with WAW on it :D
elpmis said:

I :bow: to Bubbles

:lol: In all honesty, I would definately pay for a Geeks of UF Calendar.

January: Desslock
February: b_sinning
March: Galen
April: Fly
May: Chikken
June: Coqui
August: Drool-boy
September: elpmis
October: theac
November: spange
December: Sarcasmo
Bubbles said:
:lol: In all honesty, I would definately pay for a Geeks of UF Calendar.

January: Desslock
February: b_sinning
March: Galen
April: Fly
May: Chikken
June: Coqui
August: Drool-boy
September: elpmis
October: theac
November: spange
December: Sarcasmo
Simply frightening.
Bubbles said:
:lol: In all honesty, I would definately pay for a Geeks of UF Calendar.

January: Desslock
February: b_sinning
March: Galen
April: Fly
May: Chikken
June: Coqui
August: Drool-boy
September: elpmis
October: theac
November: spange
December: Sarcasmo
I like how you put fly in april

hardie har har