I play WOW

Actually it's because the fans of said objects put down anything that's not part of their reality and we get tired of hearing it.

I don't hate Apple products. I hate the people who use them.
I don't hate the SEC conference. I hate their fans.

So you're just mad you play an inferior game and so you take it out on WoW? :fly:
I got something you can suck.

It's funny how much you get pussy hurt over everything I say in this thread.

Yes I play a couple hours a night while my wife is at work, ZOMG THATS FUCKING HORRIBLE.

Oh and don't forget that some people have absolutely NO interest in downing a final boss.

A large hand full of people play strictly for PVP.

The funny part is the only person getting pussy hurt is you.

Here is a cup of water. Go wash the sand out.
I heard april raids that instance nightly and you still haven't dropped any good loot.

She's still waiting for her epic breast implants to drop. Poor girl.
Duke boy I'm not pussy hurt I've got a smile on my face with every reply. So you quit WoW because you sucked or what? Did you get kicked out of some uber raiding guild? It's clear you have some pent up frustration and animosity towards the game. I'm still thinking you lost a roll on some phat epic lewtz.

No, my character is still active in wow, and still guilded with the same raiding guild he has been in for the last 2 years, just not played.

After killing 25 man Kel'Thuzad, and trying a few of the flawed encounters in Ulduar, I realized that I had better things to do with my time. Yeah, and brain surgery also helped to kick that realization in that life is to short. Pixelated simulated fantasy role play armor really doesn't mean that much to me, especially not after you look death in the eye and see who blinks first.

besides, my char was pretty much fully tier 7.5 when I left. There wasn't much loot left for me to get. So your entire theorycraft is moot.

Let me tell you what the issue is, and it really isn't wow. It's pathetic fanbois who 5 months after release have only made 5 levels in their character yet go off on how their game is the greatest, they rule wow, they know so much about it and it's better than every other game, when they absolutely suck at the game play. As an ambassador to Norrath, you do as good a job making WoW look good as George W. Bush did in making America look good to the rest of the world.

Sorry to say it, but your not a very good WoW player, and it shows. I'd rather go listen to a 'Buy Here/Pay Here' used car salesman try to sell me a 1970 chevy nova for low low payments of only $349 a month for 60 months, than listen to a hack rant on about a game he really isn't good at.
I just don't see how new users to WOW would have a chance at anything with so many long time players in the game.

Unlike games like EQ, WoW uses a lot of what are called 'instances', dungeons and raids that are tuned just to the party or group inside. There is no competition for kills like some of the shitty boss races in EQ (man, the phrase 'Trak Is Up' got shit crazy in EQ back in the RoK days), so really, it doesn't matter how long someone has been in wow, it's designed for everyone to have a chance.
Lol and Duke I'll be the first to admit to sucking at WoW but I still have fun. In fact I joke with my guild regularly about being the worst hunter in the guild and probably the server. If you've taken all of my posts in this thread seriously then I fail at conveying internet humor. While I do enjoy playing WoW it by no means is an important aspect of my life more like something to pass the time while my wife is at work. I'm just busting some balls about EVE I could actualy care less who plays what. There was a time in my life where I did take WoW way to seriously and almost ruined my marriage. It's not worth all that just something to pass the time and fill in the bordem although I will say I can thank WoW for meeting my best friend. Just so happens we lived in the same state and ended up buying houses in the same neighborhood.
The awesome thing about MMOs is that while you may feel for the first time in your life as though you are actually accomplishing something, it's really just a bunch of meaningless goddamn pixels you filthy, fat moron.
The awesome thing about MMOs is that while you may feel for the first time in your life as though you are actually accomplishing something, it's really just a bunch of meaningless goddamn pixels you filthy, fat moron.

I know it was such a sense of accomplishment when I looted my first piece of epic gear, but in the end I remember I'm just a "filthy fat moron." :fly:
I attended a raid once and even got two pieces of gear. This was in LOTRO. Afterwards I looked at the clock and noticed that 5 hours had gone by. I looked at the computer, briefly considered the wisdom of devoting that much of my life to a bunch of goddamn electrons and some computer code, and then went over to my dad's house to have a cigar with him on the patio. MMOs are a massive waste of valuable time.

I tell you what, though, time flies like a motherfucker when you're playing them. That five hours felt like one hour.